What about the unions

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Sun Dec 15 06:39:22 EST 1996

Subject: What about the unions
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Dec 10, 1996: cwikla at wolfram.com
+  2: Dec 13, 1996: Lawrence King <lking at math.washington.edu>
*  3: Dec 14, 1996: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)


From: cwikla at wolfram.com
Lines: 15

	I was just wondering what was going on with the union folks, 
in the hangers, etc.  Are they working for free? What kind of
economy does B5 have now?  

	Just wondering since there was an entire episode that revolved
around this...Though it doesn't make any difference at this point
int the story...
o  John L. Cwikla                           o                                o
o  X/Be Programmer                          o   I'm not in a bad mood.       o
o  Wolfram Research, Inc.                   o   I'm always like this.        o
o  cwikla at wolfram.com  (217) 398-0700       o                                o
o  http://www.wolfram.com/~cwikla           o                                o


From: Lawrence King <lking at math.washington.edu>
Lines: 32

John L. Cwikla  < cwikla at wolfram.com >  writes:

> 	I was just wondering what was going on with the union folks, 
> in the hangers, etc.  Are they working for free? What kind of
> economy does B5 have now?  

Well, they're certainly being paid, and probably didn't take a pay
cut.  We saw that the post office on B5 continues, but upped its
rates.  Since there are still small countries on Earth that aren't
part of the EA -- well, there were before Clark's martial law, at
least --  the post office is used to delivering to non-EA humans.

But where does B5 get its money?  Good question.  Maybe Minbari
religious caste $$?  My guess is smuggling -- if B5 was threatened
by Earth ships, legitimate trade would avoid it.  So Garibaldi charges
smugglers 10% of their profits......

Speaking of jobs in the hangars -- howcum Zack, the second-ranking
security dude, is always checking passports of tourists?

|  Larry King                                             \\|//        |
|  univ of washington                                     (@ @)        |
|                        Babylon 5 History Page                        |
|          http://www.math.washington.edu/~lking/b-five.html           |
|  B5 Chronology.  Dreams, Prophecies, and Visions.  Astronomy in B5.  |


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Lines: 13

"But where does B5 get its money?"

This was mentioned in an episode shortly after "Severed Dreams"-- they
collect fees from the ships that come to B5 (docking fees, customs fees,
storage and importation fees, taxes on identicards, credit chits, quarters
and others).


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