Delenn=Johnnie's boot-licker? (Was Women and B5)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Dec 16 06:22:35 EST 1996

Subject: Delenn=Johnnie's boot-licker? (Was Women and B5)
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Dec 14, 1996: lmcostich at
*  2: Dec 15, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: lmcostich at
Lines: 29

In article <Pine.OSF.3.93.961212213409.25059G-100000 at Bayou.UH.EDU>, Julia
Kosatka <julia at Bayou.UH.EDU> writes:

>Me, too.  Someone mentioned to me today that perhaps her problem is that
>she's living through the Post-Prophesy Period right now.  Before WWE, she
>had prophesy to guide her (or maybe give her direction - I'm not even
>there's a difference there) and now that's gone. Perhaps it's taking her
>some time to adjust to *not* having the future 'mapped' out for her.

I think this may be the problem.  Imagine, if you can, that your every
move for all of your adult life has been guided by a body of prophecy
*which is never wrong*.  When you reach the end of the prophetic cycle,
wouldn't it feel like free-falling?  Suddenly, there are no guidelines in
a life *dedicated* to following those guidelines. It's as though Delenn
lived her life with training wheels on.  They've been removed now, and
she's still a little off-balance.  Top that off with falling in love,
thinking you *killed* your love by withholding information, and having a
body whose hormonal patterns are still unfamiliar, and I think it's not
unreasonable that Delenn is adrift.  Considering her past role in Minbari
society, though, I expect her to snap out of it pretty soon.  She was
*trained* to take charge, and even the things she's endured lately won't
supress that conditioning forever.

Lisa C.


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 13

"Considering her past role in Minbari society, though, I expect her to
snap out of it pretty soon.  She was *trained* to take charge, and even
the things she's endured lately won't supress that conditioning forever."

Oh, most definitely...count on it.  She's done more than enough "oh john"
stuff for my tastes...that will start to change, and soon.


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