Dear Santa-czynski: What I want for Chrysalis 1998

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Dec 16 06:27:35 EST 1996

Subject: Dear Santa-czynski: What I want for Chrysalis 1998
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Dec 14, 1996: M195722 at (Dan Dassow)
+  2: Dec 14, 1996: elana at (Elana who?)
*  3: Dec 15, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: M195722 at (Dan Dassow)
Lines: 33

Dear Santa-czynski,

I realize that what I want is a tall order, so I'm you giving until
Chrysalis 1998.  I've been a very god boy for this Chrysalis.  I didn't
post any Chrysalis songs or any BABYLON 5 filk for the last three
months.  I've also kept my pun postings down to once a week.

This is what I want for Chrysalis 1998:

1) All 116 hours of BABYLON 5 in Stereographic IMAX format on DVDs
(Pilot, 110 Episodes [All five seasons], and the two proposed movies). 
These IMAX formatted DVDs should have all the closed captioning
correctly matching the dialogue and HTML links to all the appropriate
BABYLON 5 web pages.

2) An IMAX DVD projector, sound system and theater large enough to seat
500 of my closest friends.

3) A license for showing in perpetuity, all of the Ultra-high Definition
BABYLON 5 videos.

4) A copy of all the BABYLON 5 scripts in HTML format with links to JMSs

5) All BABYLON 5 sound track CDs.

6) A copy of JMSs script "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs."

Santa-czynski, as an extra inducement, I will leave you a steaming
kettle of bagna cauda, flarn and spoo.

Dan Dassow


From: elana at (Elana who?)
Lines: 15

In article <199612140851.CAA01634 at>,
Dan Dassow <M195722 at> wrote:
>Dear Santa-czynski,
>I realize that what I want is a tall order, so I'm you giving until
>Chrysalis 1998.  I've been a very god boy for this Chrysalis.  I didn't

Dan Dassow reveals His true identity as "God Boy"!  Could it be true? 
Film at 11! 

-Elana  :) 


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 8

Well...I see SOMEone has just taken out a new life insurance policy....


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