B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Dec 18 06:14:17 EST 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: CD-ROM?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Dec 17, 1996: jiraad at (Jiraad)
*  2: Dec 18, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: jiraad at (Jiraad)
Lines: 18


First, thank you for the show, most recently "Whatever..." I found myself
crying during the final scenes with Lorien and Sheridan.  A moment of
supreme beauty.

Second, hello from Starfire Sacramento, a sci-fi club that adores your

Third: Are there any plans for a CD-ROM game or somesuch based on Babylon
5?  I, for one, would fight my way to the store through a swarm of Shadow
vessels for the privilege of buying one.

Be well, 
You are not ready.


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 19

"...hello from Starfire Sacramento, a sci-fi club that adores your work."

Hello back.  I assume this refers primarily to B5?

"Are there any plans for a CD-ROM game or somesuch based on Babylon 5? "

Doug and I acquired the rights to do a B5 informational CDrom, which we're
now in the process of developing for next year.  It's going to be a bit
more than a guide, very subversive and funny in its way.

There have been a number of inquiries about a game for CDrom, but so far
no one has really come up to the plate in a serious fashion.


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