JMS CIS Digest: 21-Feb-96 13:35:31 through 22-Feb-96 01:35:12 (38 msgs)

b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Sat Feb 24 06:21:11 EST 1996


From: jhardin at (John Hardin)
Lines: 905

RFC 1153 Digest of messages from
J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
21-Feb-96 13:35:31 through 22-Feb-96 01:35:12 (38 messages)

WARNING: This digest may contain information about episodes
         you haven't seen yet. Proceed with caution.

Subjects in digest:
        <MFE: Jumpgate>
        Exogenesis question
        B5 & TNT
        <Messages from Earth>
        B5 vs ST
        <MfE - Garibaldi+comic>
        <Messages From Earrth>
        Writing B5
        Four Cents: "Exogenesis"
        C&C lights
        New Stuff
        <<Messages from Earth>>
        Minor Minbari Question:

  Contact me (John Hardin) at <jhardin at> with comments
and requests. I am willing to do limited retrieval of files from
the B5 archives on CIS and posting of messages to the CIS B5 forum.
I reserve the right to delete story ideas from messages I am asked
to post on the CIS B5 forum.
  I am not directly involved with any mailing lists this digest
may appear in. Other people are reposting this digest from rastb5
to the mailing list. If you have questions about the mailing list,
*please* send them to the mailing list owner. Mailing list owners
I am aware of are:
    <b5jms-owner at> (B5JMS Poster, b5jms)
    <judge at> (Dirk A. Loedding, jms-posts)
  Replies to this digest currently go to me.



Date: 21-Feb-96 04:13:01
From: Gary Weinfurther <71521.2352 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: <MFE: Jumpgate>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.455934 at>

One word: Superb.  You certainly didn't let us down.  This was
absolutely the best ep to date.  One question, though.  Why didn't
Sheridan use the jumpgate trick against the shadow ship like he
did with the last one?



Date: 21-Feb-96 13:35:31
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Gary Weinfurther <71521.2352 at>
Subject: <MFE: Jumpgate>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456148 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.455934 at>

       Because there wasn't a jumpgate he had access to, only a jump
point created by the White Star.  In the prior situation, he blew up a
standing jump gate.  The only one in the vicinity would be at the
transfer point near Io, which if destroyed would seriously harm Earth



Date: 21-Feb-96 06:46:37
From: Robert Miller <71501.3042 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Exogenesis question
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.455959 at>

Just out of curiosity, what was Joshua Cox's reaction when he
read the script for "Exogenesis" and found out his character
actually got to get out of C&C?


Date: 21-Feb-96 13:35:33
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Robert Miller <71501.3042 at>
Subject: Exogenesis question
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456149 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.455959 at>

       He loved it.



Date: 21-Feb-96 07:41:47
From: Philip Hornsey <74053.2101 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: B5 & TNT
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.455994 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.455489 at>

> The agreement is flexible; WB has the option of doing just 3
> years, but I'm reasonably sure that TNT would like a lot more

In your estimation, does the fact of the syndication agreement
with TNT make it more likely that season 4 and 5 will be done?

Phil^^^^ FREE MARS!


Date: 21-Feb-96 13:35:35
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Philip Hornsey <74053.2101 at>
Subject: B5 & TNT
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456150 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.455994 at>

       It's a wash, won't make a difference either way.



Date: 21-Feb-96 09:39:54
From: Neil Blevins <102226.3566 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: <Messages from Earth>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456027 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.454601 at>

> And yes, a shadow vessel has one "core" sentient, and once in,
> it's very difficult for that person to ever get out again.

In this ep, someone takes control of the shadow ship on Ganymede.
Will we ever find out who was the person who entered the ship, and
does it matter? I was sure that it would have some great
sugnificance, until the ship got destroyed.

- Neil


Date: 21-Feb-96 13:35:36
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Neil Blevins <102226.3566 at>
Subject: <Messages from Earth>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456151 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.456027 at>

       It doesn't really matter in the long run; some poor shlub who
got conned into it.



Date: 21-Feb-96 11:08:51
From: Drew Stephens <74761.245 at>
To: JMS <71016.1644 at>
Subject: B5 vs ST
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456072 at>


On America Online, you wrote:

> Just one thing to bear in mind in all this, referring to ST
> don't have a situation here of B5 fans "bashing"
> ST.  What you tend to have are ST fans who've *always* had some 
> concerns with the shows expressing their concerns here, because
> they also watch B5, and because to express some of this in other
> forums gets them yelled at. While there are many ST fans who
> have not seen B5, there are no B5 fans who have not seen ST. 
> What you have here is an internal ST situation, not a case of
> B5 fans hitting a show they don't know about or watch.  I'd
> venture to suggest that most of the concerns voiced here are ones
> they had long, long before there WAS a B5. That said, I've noted
> from the beginning that there was no reason to hold the shows up
> side by side; they're different series, and that just puts ST at
> the center of the fictional universe.  Let this show be its own
> creature.
> jms

I just wanted to let you know that I have been a Star Trek fan
for many, many years.
After watching B5, however, I have discovered that I am less
interested in Star Trek.
Although I still watch Voyager and Deep Space Nine and enjoy
watching them, I

don' t mind too much if I miss an episode and I don't get as
excited about watching them as I used to.

I think the reason is that B5 has shown me how good and how fresh
television (especially SciFi) can be.

B5 is my favorite program on TV.
I'm not able to watch a lot of TV, but I ALWAYS make sure I see

Thanks for all the viewing pleasure I have gotten from B5 and
keep up the great work!

Drew Stephens 71016,245 drew_stephens at


Date: 21-Feb-96 13:35:38
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Drew Stephens <74761.245 at>
Subject: B5 vs ST
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456152 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.456072 at>

       Thanks, and thanks for joining the party.



Date: 21-Feb-96 11:17:14
From: Benoit Langevin <74434.3136 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: <MfE - Garibaldi+comic>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456080 at>


        Why does Garibaldi not said that his partner was
Sinclair, has seen in the comic, and why does he said the he have
shown the badge to the captain at the end of comic 8 and Sheridan
did react as if it was the first time he saw the badge.  Should we
take the comic and novels as they are written or take just the
idea of the story and leave details.
        The music and CGI are really great in this ep. and they
constantly getting better and better. Congratulation to the staff.
        P.S. What are the latest news on the Fan club and the

                        Benoit (Montreal, QC)


Date: 21-Feb-96 13:35:41
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Benoit Langevin <74434.3136 at>
Subject: <MfE - Garibaldi+comic>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456153 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.456080 at>

       I believe Sheridan wasn't shown the badge in the comic; and
Garibaldi is always cautious about what he says in front of others,
like Kirkish.



Date: 21-Feb-96 11:27:06
From: Marte Brengle <76703.4242 at>
To: Michael E. MacDonal <102371.1166 at>
Subject: <Messages from Earth>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456090 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.455326 at>

You don't have to quote back someone's entire message at them,
Michael. Especially not to JMS, who has *never* shown any signs of
forgetting what he wrote.

If you want to quote back a phrase or two, that's fine, but
upchucking someone's entire message is a no-no.



Date: 21-Feb-96 15:38:44
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Marte Brengle <76703.4242 at>
Subject: <Messages from Earth>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456219 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.456090 at>

       And then there are days when I don't remember what I had for



Date: 21-Feb-96 17:18:08
From: John M. Kahane <102664.773 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: <Messages From Earrth>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456278 at>

     Hullo, Joe,

     Just saw "Messages From Earth" last night, and had to
comment on the nature of this story and how terrific an episode
this was.  (Forgive any typing mistakes I make today, but the CTS
is pretty bad right now.)  I think that what impressed me the most
in this story was the sheer scope of it all. Last week, in
"Exogenesis" we learned of the package that Garibaldi was waiting
for and that Marcus had gone to collect.  This week, the
"package" arrives on station, and we found out what it was. 
Absolutely terrific, and just another example of the continuity
that seems to be so prevalent in the series.

     The story that you gave us in "Messages" was one that I
think will go down in B5 history as being a totally outstandng
piece of drama.  Fromt he revelation about the Shadow ships on
Mars, to Garibaldi's reaction and mentioning the incident that was
shown in the four-parter of the comic series (even if I do wonder
why Jeff Sinclair is never mentioned by name these days), from
Zack's time of decision coming upon him to the romantic sub-plot
between Susan and Marcus, the show was one that I found to be

     The revelation of the Shadow ship "pilots" is one that I
found even more interesting.   While we've known for some time
that these ships are organic, I don't think it was ever evident
that they required a host in the "core" of the ship.  That leads
to other questions about the nature of the host, whether there are
Shadow hosts, and where they acquire their hosts on a regular
basis, but I'm assuming that this question and others like it will
be resolved in upcoming shows.

     The scenes aboard the White Star were very good, especially
the one framing sequence of Sheridan walking down the hallway,
flanked by Lennier and Delenn.  Who'd have thought that the man
called "Starkiller" last year would be walking down the hallway of
a Minbar (and half-Vorlon) ship with two Minbari, huh? <g>  The
sequences around Jupiter were very, very nice, and the cut in of
the CGI material was flawless...some of the best CGI stuff this 
year.  The breaking out of the Shadow ship and the visuals of the
Shadow ship destroying the research centre on Mars were also
terrific CGI; congratulations should go out to everyone concerned.

     My favourite scene of the whole episode had to be the one
with Garibaldi and G'Kar in the prison cell, talking and
discussing a variety of matters.  I can see the pages that G'Kar
is writing becoming something along the lines of the Book of
G'Kar, and to be honest, G'Kar's becoming a seer/prophet is an 
interesting turn for the character, and one that will have a lot
of ramifications for both G'Kar and the Narns.

       And then there is Zack's dilemma...  What can one say
about this poor guy, who is literally about to be caught between a
rock and a hard place? Zack Allan is not one of my favourite
characters, but I've started to come to care for Garibaldi's
trusted man...trusted no more, doubting his allies in the Night
Watch, and not liking what he's seeing going down.  "Point of No
Return" is obviously the turning point for the series and the
Night Watch plot, but I think it will be a definite turning point
for Zack Allan.

     The most touching scene in the episode was Sheridan and
Delenn's moment in the Observation area, when Sheridan removed the
Earthforce symbol from his jacket.  I know what's coming in the
next episode, but it was still something of a shock and a bit of a
surprise.  Bruce's face said it all at that moment, and during his
scenes in the White Star, and I think that Bruce B. deserves 
tremendous praise for his performance in this one.

       I'm rather looking forward to seeing "Point of No Return"
next week, but I have to say that "Messages From Earth" has been
the highlight of the third season to this point.  Thanks for a
terrific episode of B5.  This one rates up there with "The Coming
of Shadows," "The Long, Twilight Struggle," and "Comes the



Date: 21-Feb-96 21:09:52
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: John M. Kahane <102664.773 at>
Subject: <Messages From Earrth>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456435 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.456278 at>

       Thanks.  Actually, we crank up the whole Nightwatch story over
the next two episodes, and what's happening with Earth, until it hits
fever pitch. Things really start to move.  (There's almost a short lull
after #10, just to let folks catch their breath a bit before the next
big wave.)



Date: 21-Feb-96 17:18:15
From: John M. Kahane <102664.773 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Writing B5
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456279 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.454598 at>

     Hullo, Joe,

> Frankly, the carpal tunnel is not good right now.  Yesterday it
> shot up from my left elbow to's hard to describe
> unless you take a shishkabob skewer and drive it from your elbow
> to your wrist real fast a few times. 

      While I can't say that my case of CTS is as bad as that,
there have been a few days where the feeling you describe above is
one that I come close to, and can well imagine.  Whne it gets to
be this bad, what do you do for it, short of not typing on the
keyboard for two days?

> Mainly it's a dull but constant weight/discomfort in the
> wrists, fingers and forearms; the ring finger of my right hand
> is now constantly turned inward...I have to sleep on it flat
> under my pillow at nights to straighten it out by morning.  (The
> left hand just started doing the same thing a few days ago.) 

      Oh, geez, Joe...this really does sound bad, you know.  I
understand the feeling of the dull, constant weight/discomfort on
one hand, since my right hand suffers from that.   The left isn't
too, too bad, but it's uncomfortable at times.  Have you
considered the surgery for this condition?  It seems to me that
you would definitely benefit from it.

> This is the worst part of the year for this, at this point in
> the writing. Last year at this time, I had to write 20 minutes,
> then ice my arms down for 20 minutes, then write 20, then ice
> 20.  And so on.  The discomfort is pretty chronic now, but not
> always as acute, because I'm doing the exercises, and wearing
> the wrist restraints, and doing all the things I should be
> doing. 

     That's good to hear.  At least you're doing what you can for
it, and hopefully keeping the pain to a minimum.  You've done a
lot more writing this year than last, and that's why I wondered
how the hands were.

> But the bottom write this season means writing over
> 1,000 pages of scripts in less than 10 months.  Not counting
> interim drafts and the like. That's the equivilent of a novel
> every 5 months.  That's going to take a toll on you no matter
> what you do.  (Dictating or voice recog doesn't work for me; 
> I write through my fingers.) 

     I know that feeling.  With OS/2, I have the capability of
usng a voice dictation system, but I really can't write my short
fiction and work on my novels that way.  To me, writing is being
able to sit at the keyboard or the typewriter and *see* what I'm
working on and what I'm creating.  But 1,000 pages of script in a
10-month period is a lot of typing, and when one adds all the
on-line stuff that you do, I'm awed by your perseverance.  And
humbled by it.

> When these last two scripts are finished, though, I'll have a
> fair amount of time to recuperate before doing it all over again. 

       I'm glad to hear it. :)  I figure that you'll be doing the
majority of the writing for the fourth season of BABYLON 5,
although I hope that you'll be able to bring a few other scripters
in for the fourth season.  However, if the series gets totally arc
intensive for the next two years, what does this mean in terms of
the scripts for the show?  You've got the 22 scripts for this 
season being written, but that seems to mean to me that next
season will likely be the same.

       Keep those hands iced, Joe, and continue to do the good
work that you're doing.  Know that your work is being appreciated
by a lot of us out here, and that we are humbled by your ability
to do this thing.   In the meantime, take care of yourself, okay? 



Date: 21-Feb-96 21:09:55
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: John M. Kahane <102664.773 at>
Subject: Writing B5
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456436 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.456279 at>

       Actually, no, the plan next season is not to write all of them;
it only happened this season because so much gets changed that it's
hard to bring in freelancers.  Next season, things will have stabalized
enough to bring in freelancers again.



Date: 21-Feb-96 17:34:54
From: The Jawa / Jawa #2 <76371.3057 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Four Cents: "Exogenesis"
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456307 at>

Hi Joe!
        I hope your wrist(s) is/are feeling better--especially if
you plan on writing more about Ivanova's twisted love life
        "Exogenesis"--beyond the serious issues--was hilarious.
"DtD" was a serious episode, and this balanced things out a lot.
This is yet another lesson for Susan: don't invite the
subordinates to your quarters. Jawa #2 argues that anyone in
management would know that you should not get that personal with
an employee. She says a mess hall, a lounge, or the gardens would
have been good enough. I figured Susan wanted a little extra
insurance that her suspicious questions wouldn't be overheard by
any nosy Nightwatch members. (Besides, who's saying that she
doesn't "like" Corwin?) The ending scene had me falling off the
couch laughing--the look on Susan's face when she marched over to
Marcus with the flowers and almost flung those babies in his 
drink. Add her expression to the music, and it was another great
Ivanova scene. Does Claudia Christian do this stuff in one take??
        Okay, I rambled. I'm an Ivanova fan.
        Just wanted to drop you a note as usual. Off the topic, a
new word for me: alliterate, with an A instead of an I. It means
that a person *can* read, but they have no interest in it.
(Useless fact.)

                  The Jawa
                  Kidism Patrol
                  8:51 PM,  Wednesday, February 21, 1996
                  Glasses help you see the screen!--who knew?


Date: 21-Feb-96 21:09:55
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: The Jawa / Jawa #2 <76371.3057 at>
Subject: Four Cents: "Exogenesis"
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456437 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.456307 at>

       We rarely do just one take of anything; you always do more, in
case you get something new.



Date: 21-Feb-96 13:12:21
From: Paul Owen <100331.2357 at>
To: [F] J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: C&C lights
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456133 at>


Ive just watched the pilot again and I'd forgotten what an
effective scene it was in which Takashima was staring out of the
window of C&C as the powerful lights of a ship docking played over
the area, why dont you do this anymore (is it too Close


Date: 21-Feb-96 21:09:59
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Paul Owen <100331.2357 at>
Subject: C&C lights
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456438 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.456133 at>

       Basically, it's a hassle to rig the lights given that set.



Date: 21-Feb-96 19:09:12
From: Mark Koro <70252.3354 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: <Messages From Earrth>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456365 at>

Hello Joe:


My friend's 3 year old son sat spellbound through the show with
the other 8 adults gathered to see it.
Earlier that day he had told his babysitter that he was coming
over to my place to see Babylon 5.  His babysitter said she had
never seen Babylon 5.  He replied, "Then you should watch Babylon
5.  It is a really neat show with neat people."

On behalf of the 3 year old and the rest of us - thanks!

Oh - by the way, one small bizarre observation.  The G'Kar scene
w/Garibaldi was great.  But ... the WWII parallel that some of us
came up with is a scary one: Hitler in prison writing Mein Kempf
(sp?). Probably not what you intended and we are probably reading
way TOO much into things, but that's what makes the show fun.

Looking forward to next week.

Mark Koro


Date: 21-Feb-96 21:10:01
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Mark Koro <70252.3354 at>
Subject: <Messages From Earrth>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456439 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.456365 at>

       Thanks...I think it came out well.



Date: 21-Feb-96 19:30:01
From: Daniel K. Stump <104201.1460 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: New Stuff
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456374 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.437180 at>

Hello, I'm a newcomer to compuserve but not to B5.

I just read a note about your suffering from Carpal Tunnel
Syndrome;  I have a similar disease but mine affects the feet. 
Have you discussed DAYPRO with your doctor?  It is a relatively new
NSAID that works for me -- the only thing which has affected my
nearly crippling pain.

I have watched just about every episode of B5 since it first came
on a channel I could get.  I have a few questions, if you can't
divulge the answer, might you drop a non-Kosh-like hint.

TALIA:  if she is "The future" then why is she off the show?  Did
the Actress quit or is this all part of the grand scheme of

Kosh:  What does "You have always been here"  mean anyway?

Stephen Furst is still on the opening squence, so is Vir going to
be on as much as ever?

Thanks for any insights you can give me.  Here's a joke I made
up, you're welcome to use it if you like, no credit nor
compensation required: How many Vorlons does it take to screw in a
light bulb? -- I don't know GOOD!


Date: 21-Feb-96 21:10:03
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Daniel K. Stump <104201.1460 at>
Subject: New Stuff
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456440 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.456374 at>

       "If Talia is 'the future' then why is she off the show?"

       Because stuff happens.  Because rocketry was the hope of the
German Luftwaffe to win the war.  Didn't work out that way.  Just
because a character says it, doesn't mean that it's guaranteed to
happen at all times. A parent can look at a child and say, "He's our
hope for the future," and the next day the kid gets turfed by a
semi-truck.  Stuff happens.  Nothing is guaranteed in the B5 universe;
any character -- ANY character -- is vulnerable.  That, for me, is part
of what's exciting.

       Vir is in this season about as much as last, yes.



Date: 21-Feb-96 20:04:54
From: Julia E. Linthicum <73114.3530 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: <<Messages from Earth>>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456398 at>


It's been several hours now since I finished watched "Messages
from Earth." WHY do you do this to us? Bad enough to sit on the
edge of my seat during *this* episode, but I have wait a whole
week for the *next* one! <sigh>

Julia L.

PS Now I understand what you meant about the amount FX required
for this episode. You must have had the Video Toasters gasping for
breath. <g>


Date: 21-Feb-96 21:10:06
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Julia E. Linthicum <73114.3530 at>
Subject: <<Messages from Earth>>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456441 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.456398 at>

       If you think this is bad, wait until after next week's episode,
when you'll have to wait until April 3rd for the conclusion of the
three-episode mini-arc.



Date: 21-Feb-96 20:36:19
From: Joe Salemi [ZD Net] <72631.23 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: <Messages from Earth>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456410 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.454391 at>

Great episode!  And as an answer to all those who say the
storyline is moving to slowly, my lovely bride Nancy said about
1/2-way through MFE, "Wow!  I didn't think things would start
moving this fast so soon!" <g>


Date: 21-Feb-96 21:22:14
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Joe Salemi [ZD Net] <72631.23 at>
Subject: <Messages from Earth>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456446 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.456410 at>

       "...I didn't think things would start moving this fast so

       Well, this is what I kinda kept trying to tell people was
coming, when they said things were moving too slowly....



Date: 21-Feb-96 21:29:40
From: Mark D. Smith <70254.107 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: <Messages from Earth>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456450 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.456151 at>

> It doesn't really matter in the long run; some poor shlub who got
> conned into it.


I haven't seen it yet, but does this mean that a human can
"pilot" a shadow ship and if so, would the human be sane after



Date: 22-Feb-96 00:35:04
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Mark D. Smith <70254.107 at>
Subject: <Messages from Earth>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456497 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.456450 at>

       Almost certainly not.



Date: 21-Feb-96 21:29:42
From: Mark D. Smith <70254.107 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: <Messages from Earth>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456451 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.456219 at>

> And then there are days when I don't remember what I had for
> lunch....

The question then becomes, did you even HAVE lunch?



Date: 22-Feb-96 00:35:05
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Mark D. Smith <70254.107 at>
Subject: <Messages from Earth>
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456498 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.456451 at>

       Who can remember?



Date: 21-Feb-96 22:21:48
From: Michael E. MacDonal <102371.1166 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: New Stuff
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456468 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.456440 at>

ie: talia and Iron heart ....

Are we going to Ever Learn what the Gift he actualy gave her was

And also will we ever see Iron heart again ...?

Later Have a nice day M.E.Macdonald

P.s does most of the shows  Shooting take place during the day or
in the Evening ... ?


Date: 22-Feb-96 00:35:13
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Michael E. MacDonal <102371.1166 at>
Subject: New Stuff
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456501 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.456468 at>

       Talia's gift was exactly what was indicated, nothing much
hidden in there: greater capacity to shield her thoughts, and limited

       No plans for Ironheart for long, long time.

       We shoot episodes from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily.  Rarely do we go



Date: 22-Feb-96 00:46:03
From: Grady W. Smithey I <103321.2766 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: Minor Minbari Question:
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456502 at>

Dear Great Maker,

        Just curious... How long ago was it that the Minbari
discovered that souls were going missing?

Grady W. Smithey III, Provisional Minister of Kipple, RMES.


Date: 22-Feb-96 01:35:12
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Grady W. Smithey I <103321.2766 at>
Subject: Minor Minbari Question:
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.456506 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.456502 at>

       About a thousand years, give or take.



End of JMS CIS Digest 21-Feb-96 13:35:31 through 22-Feb-96 01:35:12

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