GREEN MEDDLER'S JMS on CompuServe 01-05-96

DeAnna Miller dmille12 at
Sat Jan 6 00:15:08 EST 1996

Subj:  From jms: info         Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Joe Salemi [ZD Net]    January 03, 1996 4:22:14 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #425082

     Walter is also in "Ship of Tears."


Subj:  From jms: info         Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Joe Salemi [ZD Net]    January 04, 1996 2:47:08 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #425352

      {regarding B5 being one of the top rated shows on WDCA}

     That's good to know; WDCA has been very supportive of B5
from the very  beginning, hence the show is, as you quote,
"one of (their) highest rated  programs."  Those that treat
the show well, find it *does* well.


Subj:  The One                Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
  To:  Mark Koro        Tuesday, January 02, 1996 8:31:13 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #424747're straying into concrete story ideas


Subj:  Dr. Seuss version of B5.   Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  JMS,             Tuesday, January 02, 1996 8:28:15 PM
From:  C Clark                      #424744

This Message, by Kevin Freels, was posted to the RASTB5
newsgroup a few  days ago and I repost it here with permis-

If Dr. Suess had written for Babylon 5....

(...Intro music starts up when 
we see the network of P-TEN...)

We live here on Bab'lon 5
to keep our last great hope alive.
So far, it seems, since Season One,
The war of Shadows has begun.
So victory now is what we need
if Bab'lon Five is to succeed!

This Minbari, she's Delenn.
She speaks in riddles now & then.
She has a bone upon her head.
She'd rather have some hair instead.

"Hi there! Ho there! My old friend!
It's nice to see you once again.
Come, let's talk of Councils Gray,
And Crystal candles as we pray.
I live here on Bab'lon Five
To keep our last great hope alive."

This is Delenn's friend, Lennier.
You may ask, "Why is he here?
He looks familiar! I know his face!
He used to be on 'Lost in Space'!".
Just like her, he's real verbose,
And smells like fish-heads when you're up close.

"I am Londo, tall and proud!
(though some might say that I'm too loud!)
I'm Centauri, so you see.
My hair defies all gravity.
We Centauri will someday rule.
(Actually, we're just a tool.
The Shadows really run the game.
Alas! Such is the price of fame!)
I like women, game, and drink.
I drink and drink 'till I can't think!
I live here on Bab'lon Five
To keep my ego hopes alive.

This is my assistant, Vir."

"I would like--"

Londo:      "Get out of here!"

This green lizard is G'Kar.
He has come from very far.

"I'm not a lizard! I'm a Narn!
Time is crucial! I must warn!
We're all in danger! Londo's nuts!
His henchmen shadows kicked our butts!
They've driven us down to our knees!
Send lawyers, guns and money, please!
Ion cannons! Ruby lasers!
Even dusty Star Trek phasers!"

This is Kosh. He gives me creeps!
He barely speaks, just whirrrs & beeps.

*clakkity* *clakkity*!! *whirrr* *buzz* Beep!
"You've always been here!" *ka-chunk* *gleep*!

He always says that in fog-like scenes.
I still don't know just what it means!
He wears that suit to hide from us.
Does he wear it on the bus?

"They're all guilty! Every one!
I'll bust 'em up to have some fun!
I'll bring in those bad beserkers,
All those liars, thieves and lurkers."

He's my Chief Security.
Testosterone flows in him free.
He's pretty edgy. I know why.
Since Mars was home, well, he's been dry.
He's really hyper, so I think.
But imagine if he had a drink!

This is Susan--

             "As you were!
I'm Ivanova! And call me 'Sir'!
I'm delicate, on one small side,
But touch me and I'll tan your hide!
And though to you I might appeal,
I once faked sex to clinch a deal.
So stand your post and keep your ground,
Or, I promise, you I'll pound."

Meet the Doctor. He stays up late,
And works for forty hours straight!

Dr. Franklin:
"I heal aliens, those are my jobs.
Humans and Martians, Reptiles and Blobs! 
Wozzles and Snangles and Bug-eyed Kertunkers!
Yellow-faced insects with Red-winged Dondunkers!
Centauri! Membari! Vorlons and Narn!
I'd even help creatures made out of yarn!
So I will stay living on Bab'lon Five
To keep all these strange little creatures alive!"

Talia's a telepath.
She once followed in our path.
But a time-bomb in her mind
Has made her evil and unkind.
It's doubtful she can be our friend.
Our trust in her is at an end.

The Psi-corp has a man named Bester.
He could be labled "Mind Molester".
He's evil, mean, and nasty, too!
He can read the thoughts of you.
We must give him credit, tho.
He drove a starship years ago.

"I've known your kind and what to do.
So I'll be back. Be seeing you."

This man Morden, standing here.
He is one that you should fear.
He has shadows for his brothers.
He doesn't play so well with others.


So that's my story. It's lonely here.
We're so far out, there is no beer.

I'm stuck out here on Bab'lon Five
To keep our last great hope alive.
I'm stuck out here, it's just not fair!
It's all the fault of that Sinclair!
He bailed out, I took the fall,
And now he won't return my call!


It could be worse, it's just five years.
Or I could have Ferengi ears.
And when all is said and done,
I'm not Harlan Ellison!

Subj:  Dr. Seuss version of B5.  Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  C Clark    Wednesday, January 03, 1996 12:26:02 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #424821

     Too, too, too weird....funny, though....


Subj:  ARRRRRRRRGGGHHH!       Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Lynn Dimock      Wednesday, January 03, 1996 2:49:15 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #424857

      <Quoting Lynn Dimock to ALL>:

      >I'm sorry, I know this is thread drift, but my team is
      >getting its butt whopped at the  Fiesta Bowl and I am
      >ready to scream. It's not so much the score as the way 
      >three Florida guys have had to be hauled off the field
      >so far (how many football  players do you hear of with
      >dislocated *hips* for crying out loud), and the general
      >attitude of the Nebraska players. And yes, if my guys
      >were acting like that I'd still  be upset (though, to
      >be honest, not as much).

     You are not ready for victory.


Subj:  Bester PsiCorp Shadows ?  Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  J. Michael Straczynski    January 03, 1996 8:56:22 PM
From:  John Van Aken                #425236

<<No, it wasn't Bester at the Senator's office.>>

This is probably one of those Questions Which Will Not Be
Answered, but...

..any reason why?

Subj:  Bester PsiCorp Shadows ?   Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  John Van Aken    Thursday, January 04, 1996 2:47:06 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #425351



Subj:  Bester PsiCorp Shadows ?  Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Tom LeCompte     Thursday, January 04, 1996 2:56:20 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #425354

     "To define is to kill; to suggest is to create." 


Subj:  THANKS FOREVER BOOK    Section: Star Trek: General
  To:  paul wood        Thursday, January 04, 1996 2:47:10 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #425353

    Actually, the reruns aren't skipping the season 3 opener,
only (for some  reason) the season 2 closer; the first one of
year three just aired here in LA  tonight, in fact.

     And thanks....


Subj:  ITS OVER               Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
  To:  James A. Du Bois Thursday, January 04, 1996 2:56:21 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #425355

      <Quoting Jeff Frank>:

      >Just to pick a nit that drives me up the fraggen wall: 
      >The millennia doesn't end  on December 31, 1999, but on
      >December 31, 2000.  There was no year 0 so the  end of
      >the first thousand years occurred on December 31, 1000.

     Funny thing is, some mathematicians disagree with this
assessment; no,  there was no year 0, but there was a year 10
and 20 and 30 and so on (though  all, as you note, assigned in
retrospect).  So some of them have taken the  position that
the first century was simply short one year, rather than
rolling every  other century back one year.


Subj:  Legacies Question      Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Michael Guenther Friday, January 05, 1996 1:52:28 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #425833

      <Quoting Michael Guenther to JMS>:

      >I just saw Legacies last night and I have a question
      >for you concerning the young  Telepath introduced in
      >the story. Now that  Alison and Sinclair are on the
      >Minbari  homeworld has Sinclair met her since then? 
      >Will we see more of her?  I'm sure  a P10 would come in
      >handy for the coming struggle...

     There are no current plans for that character, no.


Subj:  B5 Aliens Streib       Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
  To:  Bert Johnson     Friday, January 05, 1996 1:52:29 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #425834

      <Quoting Bert Johnson to JMS>:

      >I have been going throught the AVI files in my new B5
      >screen saver and came  upon the Streib.  Are they named
      >in recogntion of Whitley Streiber's aliens in his 
      >books?  They look the same.

     It's a nod, yes; and the comics were/are meant to be
complementary, within  the B5 universe but not required to
follow the show.


Subj:  B5 Aliens Streib       Section: Babylon 5: Upcoming
  To:  The Jawa / Jawa #2  Friday, January 05, 1996 3:46:10 PM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #426115

      {regarding a new B5 novel}

     Yes, there's another novel due out fairly soon, within
the next month or so.


Subj:  Official Fanclub       Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  Susan Law        Friday, January 05, 1996 1:52:31 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #425835

      <Quoting Susan Law to JMS>:

      >Saw your post on rastb5 a couple of days ago - enjoyed
      >it.  Anyhow regarding B5  merchandise that you're
      >considering - how about the Ranger pins -  any chance 
      >of those being available?  I'd sure spring for one.  

     Not a bad idea; those would be expensive to make, though,
so I'm not sure if  it'd work.  We'll see....


Subj:  B5: Promoting B5       Section: Babylon 5: General
  To:  peter  stathis   Friday, January 05, 1996 2:10:31 AM
From:  J. Michael Straczynski       #425841

      <Quoting Peter Sathis to ALL>:

      >Just curious, but I was wondering why none of the cast
      >members have done the  talk show circuit? It couldn't
      >hurt. I also heard that when Harlan was on Tom 
      >Snyder's show he made no mention of B5 at all.

     Once again you make broad statements: "none of the cast
members have  done the talk show circuit."  Not correct. 
Bruce has done the Stephanie Miller  show, showed up on the
Tonight Show, the Mike and Maddie show (same there  for Jerry
Doyle, who's done other talk shows including several network
morning  shows, such as the the FX cable network show),
they've all done various national  radio shows, and other talk

     So for starters you're not correct; they're doing some,
and we're working on  doing more.  The problem is that most
talk shows want major, recognized stars  from hit network
shows, and syndication doesn't get a lot of attention there.


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