JMS CIS Digest: 21-Jan-96 16:34:29 through 22-Jan-96 15:27:59 (4 msgs)

b5jms-owner at b5jms-owner at
Thu Jan 25 06:31:11 EST 1996


From: jhardin at (John Hardin)
Lines: 222

RFC 1153 Digest of messages from
J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
21-Jan-96 16:34:29 through 22-Jan-96 15:27:59 (4 messages)

WARNING: This digest may contain information about episodes
         you haven't seen yet. Proceed with caution.

Subjects in digest:
        UK B5 20/1/96 CITV
        Military Questions

  Contact me (John Hardin) at <jhardin at> with comments
and requests. I am willing to do limited retrieval of files from
the B5 archives on CIS and posting of messages to the CIS B5 forum.
I reserve the right to delete story ideas from messages I am asked
to post on the CIS B5 forum.
  I am not directly involved with any mailing lists this digest
may appear in. If you have questions about the mailing list,
please direct them to the mailing list owner. Mailing list owners
I am aware of are:
  <b5jms-owner at> (B5JMS Poster, b5jms)
  <judge at> (Dirk A. Loedding, b5-atlanta)
  Replies to this digest currently go to me.



Date: 21-Jan-96 16:34:29
From: Nigel Nixon <100666.2174 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: #436181-#UK B5 20/1/96 CITV
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.436222 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.436181 at>

I don't know if I'd agree with "exercised" (agitated, annoyed?)
"mystified" is probably better.

It just seemed to me that, if you were going to let a couple of
people from a TV programme appear as extras, it would have made
more sense to get them from a programme that had been around
longer than a couple of months or that has a bigger audience or
who were a bit better known.

Obviously it's your series so you can cast who you like (and I
didn't notice the WB connection until it was pointed out today)
but it just seemed, at the time, a bit odd.

 Nigel and George->` (The Ferocious Attack Pixel)
 Dictator of France, Duck of Normandy, Minister of Bad Puns.
 Chancellor of the Ex-Keffer. Ou est la mauvaise Filles?


Date: 21-Jan-96 21:47:28
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: Nigel Nixon <100666.2174 at>
Subject: UK B5 20/1/96 CITV
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.436357 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.436222 at>

     Basically, whether the show is a new one or an old one, it
doesn't much enter into a syndicated show we take any PR we can
get.  We didn't go to them, they came to us and said they wanted to do
it.  We said yes. That was kind of the end-all and be-all of it.



Date: 22-Jan-96 13:13:08
From: John Hardin <74076.22 at>
To: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
Subject: #Military Questions
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.436535 at>

[ Posted on behalf of sean_barron at ]


     Two points.  Now that things looks like they have slow
     down, 'cause I "guess" people are seeing re-runs,
     perhaps we can ask a few boring questions. (funny we
     are so behind out here, nothing is changed)

     1.  I am very interested in the military in B5, what
     they are doing?

     Does the Earth Alliance military simply follow the
     President, or does the Admiralty have its own mind?

     Will the EA do anything that the Senators and President

     What does the EA military feel about the loss of its

     What does the EA military think about the station B5?

     You basically said the Manbire military is under the
     control of the shadow (rather simple view I know) is
     the earth military the same way?

     My next question is on getting your show on military
     T.V.  The network is called AFARTS, Armed Forces
     A(something) Radio and Television something something.

     Anyway, AFARTS does not show commercials. After not
     seeing stateside commercials for over 5 years, you
     actually start missing them, anyway, they don't do
     advertisements, and basically ask for the show.  DS9,
     Bay watch etc. either give it to AFARTS or gives it to
     them for next to nothing.

     I was wondering if you were even willing to enterin the
     ideal.  If so, we have to start a write in "beg
     campaign" to get worthless AFARTS (actually they are
     O.K., but it is a sailors right to complain) to talk to
     someone.  Last big thing was getting the Rush Limbaugh
     show, on the radio, that had to go to congress, before
     the FoB plants/sympatiers in the pentagon/Admiralty
     would allow it.

     If you want more information, I will try to get someone
     from AFARTS to give you, or your lawyer a call and they
     can talk.




Date: 22-Jan-96 15:27:59
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: John Hardin <74076.22 at>
Subject: Military Questions
Message-ID: <forum.sfmediaone.436583 at>
References: <forum.sfmediaone.436535 at>

     1.  I am very interested in the military in B5, what
     they are doing?

All kinds of things.  Some good, some not so.

     Does the Earth Alliance military simply follow the
     President, or does the Admiralty have its own mind?

Any military must respect the chain of command.  You can't have the
military setting its own agenda.  The president proposes, the military

     Will the EA do anything that the Senators and President

Well, the EA military must obey the President as Commander in Chief. 
The EA government is always quibbling.  They're like that.

     What does the EA military feel about the loss of its

The EA military hasn't lost any telepaths that I know of.  Don't know
what this refers to.

     What does the EA military think about the station B5?

"Cushy job.  And they're a bunch of loose cannons over there.  Maybe
we better see if we can help straighten things out."

     You basically said the Manbire military is under the
     control of the shadow (rather simple view I know) is
     the earth military the same way?

No, I never said that, and the Minbari are NOT under Shadow control.

     My next question is on getting your show on military
     T.V.  The network is called AFARTS, Armed Forces
     A(something) Radio and Television something something.

     Anyway, AFARTS does not show commercials. After not
     seeing stateside commercials for over 5 years, you
     actually start missing them, anyway, they don't do
     advertisements, and basically ask for the show.  DS9,
     Bay watch etc. either give it to AFARTS or gives it to
     them for next to nothing.

     I was wondering if you were even willing to enterin the
     ideal.  If so, we have to start a write in "beg
     campaign" to get worthless AFARTS (actually they are
     O.K., but it is a sailors right to complain) to talk to
     someone.  Last big thing was getting the Rush Limbaugh
     show, on the radio, that had to go to congress, before
     the FoB plants/sympatiers in the pentagon/Admiralty
     would allow it.

I'm up for it, we've talked to Warners about it, but it's their call,
not mine.



End of JMS CIS Digest 21-Jan-96 16:34:29 through 22-Jan-96 15:27:59

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