ATTN JMS: Can you confirm this?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Jul 1 06:25:34 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: Can you confirm this?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Jun 29, 1996: dkeith at (Keith Bennett)
+  2: Jun 30, 1996: Brent Schmidt <TVsBrent at MCS.COM>
*  3: Jun 30, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
+  7: Jul  1, 1996: Brent Schmidt <TVsBrent at MCS.COM>
*  8: Jul  1, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: dkeith at (Keith Bennett)
Lines: 23

jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5) wrote:

>Yes, technically, I could confirm this one way or another.  I could
>absolutely dispell all ambiguity on this question.  
> jms

  Ya know, for a minute there you sounded like Holly the computer...
   Do you really have an IQ of 6000?

  Thanks...  I haven't laughed like that in a while.


The wisdom of G'Kar:
Bad Guys make a very satisfying THUMP when they hit the
ground.  But to thump the book of G'Quan is disrespectful


From: Brent Schmidt <TVsBrent at MCS.COM>
Lines: 55

I know I am a little late on this, but here I go anyway:
  [But first some spoiler space for the Final Five]

  Alrighty then.  I was at the Chicago Comicon and I saw both of your 
excellent presenations.  One thing has been eating at my brain since I 
saw this and others I talk to say they really didn't see what I saw.  In 
the Sheridan / Delenn kissing scene, in space behind them, was that a 
fleet of White Star type vessels?  Not that this is a big deal or 
anything, but, hey, I've got nothing else to worry about.
  BTW - The bloopers were great.  It was nice to see Londo laugh again. 
Any chance of seeing him laugh in the show and not something edited out?
(Probably not this season, that's for sure).
     "Remember - Pillage before you Burn!"

Brent Schmidt                 TVsBrent at MCS.COM


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 9

Yes, technically, I could confirm this one way or another.  I could
absolutely dispell all ambiguity on this question.  



From: Brent Schmidt <TVsBrent at MCS.COM>
Lines: 66

Spoilers for the Final Five and my own idiocy:

Brent the idiot boy wrote:
>  Alrighty then.  I was at the Chicago Comicon and I saw both of your
>excellent presenations.  One thing has been eating at my brain since I
>saw this and others I talk to say they really didn't see what I saw.  
>In the Sheridan / Delenn kissing scene, in space behind them, was that 
>a fleet of White Star type vessels?  Not that this is a big deal or
>anything, but, hey, I've got nothing else to worry about.
>  BTW - The bloopers were great.  It was nice to see Londo laugh again.
>Any chance of seeing him laugh in the show and not something edited 
>(Probably not this season, that's for sure).

Jms at B5 wrote:
> Yes, technically, I could confirm this one way or another.  I could
> absolutely dispell all ambiguity on this question.
>  jms

  Aargh! I always fell for that one in grade school:
   Young Brent: "Can I go to the bathroom?"
   Teacher: "I don't know, can you?"
   Then young Brent would be so embarrassed he'd wet himself.

  Well, now Joe I want you to know I've wet myself. I hope your happy.

  Now, onward and upward:  Since you are able to clarify the situation, 
would you please do so? Pretty please?
     "Remember - Pillage before you Burn!"

Brent Schmidt                 TVsBrent at MCS.COM


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 10

"Since you are able to clarify the situation, would you please do so?"

Silly...of course not.


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