ATTN: JMS -- reactions after WWE2

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Jul 6 06:14:25 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN: JMS -- reactions after WWE2
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Jul  4, 1996: "UVAlpha (I. Sanderson)" <uvalpha at>
*  2: Jul  5, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: "UVAlpha (I. Sanderson)" <uvalpha at>
Lines: 23

I'm trying to do this without adding in any real spoilers -- hope
it works...

Okay, I've already heard that there was no time for an actual reaction
*scene* from Garibaldi after WWE2, but will the character *have* a
reaction?  Will what happened affect him (it certainly *should*) and
will we see the effect?  (I'd always thought that Garibaldi & Ivanova
were acting just a little too "all right" after DL, and am hoping 
desperately that you won't do this to Garibaldi again.)

I've been a little disappointed with the lack of screen time Garibaldi's
had this year -- he was such a well developed character in the first
year, and now he's practically background -- I'm hoping against hope
that he gets to have more screentime in season 4 (and in the end of 
season 3.  Not that we'll get to know for another three months, thanx
a lot, WB...*sigh*)!  Hell -- I'm hoping he gets to have *any* in
season 4...

I gotta bad feeling about this....
-- Isoline
UVAlpha at


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 9

Garibaldi definitely has more later this season, especially in "Grey 17 Is
Missing," which is a strong Garibaldi story.  Believe me, it's now about
time his character came to the forefront again.  It all goes in waves....


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