ATTN JMS: Turning the Tables

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Jul 9 06:48:14 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: Turning the Tables
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Jul  8, 1996: s-orso at (orso steven n)
*  2: Jul  9, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: s-orso at (orso steven n)
Lines: 34


Compared to the volume of traffic that filled rastb5 during last summer's
Long Wait for the Final Four of Season Two, traffic on rastb5-mod during 
this summer's Long Wait for the Final Five of Season Three seems light.

Several reasons for this are readily apparent.  Moderation has prevented 
a recurrence of distasteful flame wars.  "War Without End, Part 2" brought 
to closure several plotlines about which there had been much speculation,
but there aren't yet enough cards face up on the table to speculate in a
meaningful way about the new plotlines that that same episode revealed to
us.  With five episodes from Season Three to protect against spoilers, you
aren't in a position to drop many hints about Season Four.  The grimness 
of the Shadow War hasn't lent itself to writing the kinds of parodies that
were still possible late in Season Two.  Even Gharlane has been too busy 
whupping his opponents over on to inadvertently start a 
limerick thread ("Consider a spherical cow . . .").

Given that the current lull seems likely to continue for another six weeks
(until "Walkabout" airs in the U.K. and the transatlantic spoiler tide 
turns westward), perhaps this would be an opportune period for you to turn
the tables on this newsgroup.  What do you think we should take time to
discuss in the next six weeks?  And instead of our peppering you with 
questions, what questions, if any, do you have for us?

******** s-orso at ******** Every silver lining has a cloud. ********
**** ". . . removes waxy yellow build-up completely.  That's Easy Off, ****
*** from Jonsenn & Jonsenn, makers of the finest in bonecare products." ***


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 14

"What do you think we should take time to discuss in the next six weeks?"

I dunno...sounds a little too much like homework.

Basically, from my POV, if traffic subsides a bit during the break, that's
okay, because I have to focus in now on the writing for year 4, and if
there's a chance to catch up on groups, and work, rather than
manufacturing discussions for discussions' sake, that's jake by me.


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