ATTN: JMS---Bumper Stickers and Magazines...

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Jul 11 06:13:55 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN: JMS---Bumper Stickers and Magazines...
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Jul 10, 1996: kogutt at (SCAVENGER)
*  2: Jul 10, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: kogutt at (SCAVENGER)
Lines: 33

Hi Joe,

I'm a comic retailer and a big Babylon 5 fan.

I've seen solicted some Bumper Stickers by, I think, Pegasus Printing. 
These include:
Sheridan/Ivonava '96--Our Last Best Hope
Dear Earthforce, Hate you, hate the alliance, taking B4---The One
Trust Ivonava, Ivonava is God...etc.
and B5: Our last best hope for Science Fiction on Televison

Are these legal?  I'd like to carry them, to support the show etc...but if
they're illeagle, I'd rather not have them, especialy since the megacorps
have a tendency to sue the unsuspecting retailer as opposed to the
producers (oh the horror stories from the Pog wars)....

Also, recently there was sollicted The official Babylon 5 magazine.  Well
apparantly, this was severly limited, causing Capital City Distributors
not to get enough to fill orders...including mine:-(  Are there plans to
reprint this?

---Todd Kogutt:  Scavenger

"You cannot live your life by the outmoded class conventions of the
neo-imperialist society.  Find your true center!" ___________________________
"What?  You mean Zen piracy?" --The Pirate Movie  |SCAVENGER / Nikodemus    |
         Non Tenete Paenitentias                  |     kogutt at |
         -----------------------                  ---------------------------


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 12

In, the Pegasus stickers aren't licensed or legal.  They've
been put on notice before.

The magazine is going through some changes at Sendai, we'll have to see
what happens there.  I suspect that when the UK publication goes
quarterly, that'll help to expedite things.


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