ATTN JMS: Ellison Guns

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Jul 14 06:27:37 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: Ellison Guns
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Jul 13, 1996: alberti at (Bob Alberti)
*  2: Jul 14, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: alberti at (Bob Alberti)
Lines: 20

Okay, Joe, time to 'fess up again:  I've read many of your responses to
those who would UNJUSTIFIABLY criticize you or your work.  Not the
thoughtful criticisms of the truly concerned, mind you, but the snide and
sniping comments of those whose religious view of life you've somehow

Each of those persons has gone away a smoking, crispy critter, in my
view.  What I want to know is, is this a skill you've developed yourself,
or has your long association with Harlan been what gives you your
marksmanship skills with those Ellison Guns you fire?

Yours with the usual kudos,

Bob Alberti                               Bastard Nation
alberti at               Reunited Adoptee
"Those who do not have history are doomed to retype it!"
Santayana, if he'd been a Unix Geek.


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 34

"Each of those persons has gone away a smoking, crispy critter, in my
view.  What I want to know is, is this a skill you've developed yourself,
or has your long association with Harlan been what gives you your
marksmanship skills with those Ellison Guns you fire?"

(blink, blink)

I'm a writer.

Anybody who goes up against ANY half-decent professional writer in a
*written* medium has got to be out of his gourd.  

Beyond isn't actually something I'm terribly proud of; any time
I've gone after somebody, regardless of how stupid or provocational the
original message might've been, I always find myself thinking I should've
handled it different.  Yeah, somebody comes in looking for a fight, but I
shouldn't have to stoop to that level, and give them what they want,
really, which is attention.  I should be aloof, dignified, above it

Then some yipyop comes flying in with a snide, harrassing, abusive piece
of nonsense and suddenly I'm Arnold S. standing in the third-story window
in T2 firing every gun I've got.  It's stupid.  It's probably vaguely
Pavlovian.  But nowhere in any of my online agreements does it stipulate
that I'll be a standing target.

On the other hand, I end up coming up with some nifty lines which
eventually wind up in Ivanova's mouth.


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