JMS on AOL: 03/23/96 to 03/25/96

Kevin P Mooney kpmooney at acsu.Buffalo.EDU
Tue Mar 26 14:05:52 EST 1996

The following is a compilation of the posts of JMS on AOL.  If you have
comments or suggestions, please e-mail me at <kpmooney at>

WARNING:  Possible spoilers may lurk below.

ObSpoiler space:

Subj:  VQT News
Date:  96-03-25 02:52:47 EST
From:  Jms at B5       

I just heard this over on CIS, and I'm trying to verify it before saying it
officially, but it appears that Viewers for Quality Television has taken the
next step and actually *endorsed* BABYLON 5, which is a very important thing
for us.  If correct, this is great news.


Subj:  Re:JMS:  G'Kar's Writing
Date:  96-03-23 04:19:16 EST
From:  Jms at B5       

Sometimes things slip through; the on-screen writing was done at Foundation,
since we don't have that capability, and they did it left to right.  I wasn't
able to be on set at the moment we shot that to check (and, likely, wouldn't
have been able to change it if I had been there, since we had to go and it
takes time to re-do that stuff).  Normally, however, Narns write right to


Subj:  Re:More silly questions
Date:  96-03-23 04:20:08 EST
From:  Jms at B5       

I think both those questions are better answered in the series than blown off


Subj:  Re:New B5 book
Date:  96-03-23 04:20:57 EST
From:  Jms at B5       

Yeah, initially Dell kept going for one-word titles, and I generally don't
like that, so I told them to have the writers come up with more interesting


Subj:  Re:JMS:  Kabalistic themes
Date:  96-03-25 02:50:26 EST
From:  Jms at B5       

Thanks.  The job of the show is to ask questions and pose scenarios for
discussion, while at the same time entertaining, which is our primary

I wouldn't say there's any one dominant area here, whether Kabalistic or
strictly Judaeo/Christian or's a hodgepodge of elements.  You
can find historical, religious, social and political echoes to a lot of
things.  In the area you mentioned, there's bits and pieces of the two areas
you singled out, plus buddhism, moslemism, zoroastrianism, Zen, catholicism,
you name it, because it helps to create an authentic feel to the alien
cultures and other aspects of the show.  Similarly, there are aspects of WW
2, WW 1, Korea, Vietnam, JFK...I try to grab from lots of different areas so
that it avoids being about The One Thing and becomes a synthesis that is
about *us* in all our various permutations.



End Compilation
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