ATTN JMS:Editing question for "Interludes and Examinations", Spoilers.

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed May 8 06:23:51 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS:Editing question for "Interludes and Examinations", Spoilers.
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: May  7, 1996: jrk01 at (James R. Kapesis)
*  2: May  7, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: jrk01 at (James R. Kapesis)
Lines: 41



JMS, why did you edit out the scene where the Ranger follows Morden
and ends up being killed by the Shadows?  Don't you think fans of the
show would rather see that than the scene in the bar where Garibaldi
asks for info on Franklin's blood from the other doctor?   

When you edit the show please keep in mind what the fans would what to
see.  Rangers and Shadows fighting is much more exciting than a
unimportant scene that could have been left out easily.

James R. Kapesis


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 54


"JMS, why did you edit out the scene where the Ranger follows Morden and
ends up being killed by the Shadows?  Don't you think fans of the show
would rather see that than the scene in the bar where Garibaldi asks for
info on Franklin's blood from the other doctor?  When you edit the show
please keep in mind what the fans would what to see.  Rangers and Shadows
fighting is much more exciting than a unimportant scene that could have
been left out easily."

Because it was important to set up what Garibaldi wanted, where it was,
and how he was going to gain access.  It had to show his concern for
Franklin, the moral ambiguity in asking for this, the betrayal we see on
Franklin's face, the difficulty in Dr. Hobbs dealing with his request. 
The ranger scene was a brief piece that was really unconnected to the rest
of the story, had no setup elsewhere or payoff, was only a brief piece of
action.  I needed the time to establish the character and plot information
in the Garibaldi scene.

And when you cite what "the fans" want to see, bear in mind that there
ain't no such critter.  There's what *you* like, but *you're* not the
entirety of the fans.  Some fans thought "Avalon" was one of the best of
the series to date; others thought it was just a character piece and
wanted more action and arc and called it a "waste."  Some people when they
read a novel read for the action, then when they come to a few pages that
establish the look of the forest, or some character background, jump ahead
a few pages to where the action starts up again.  Some do just the

My obligation, first and foremost, is to the story, and to tell that story
as best I can.  If I start trying to second guess what *The Fans* want,
when there is no ready concensus, when there ain't no such thing, when
different fans want different things, it'll just get watered down and
wander around lost.  


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