JMS: Possible to change WB's mind?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu May 9 07:30:32 EDT 1996

Subject: JMS: Possible to change WB's mind?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: May  7, 1996: ck-ah at ( )
+  5: May  8, 1996: dkuhn at (David Kuhn)
*  6: May  8, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: ck-ah at ( )
Lines: 53

I mean, they're the ones who launched a major ad campaign. They seem to 
want the show to be healthy.
If everyone on the net could write them a brief, polite letter 
_yesterday_, do you think there's a chance of getting the final 5 
starting in say, July (isn't a July a sweeps month?). 

Give us an address of someone vaguely responsible for scheduling (or 
vaguely responsible for the person who schedules...) and I'm sure we'd be 
all over it. Or tell us there's no changing their minds and we can start 
on the voodoo dolls now. ;)

Example letter follows.



cc: <local station which shows B5>
re: Babylon 5 Summer Air Schedule

Dear <marketing person>,

	I wish to commend you and Warner Brothers on the fantastic
advertising of Babylon 5. It certainly deserves all the attention it can 
get, so that it can bring in more <insert demographics> viewers like me.

	I'm dismayed by the current schedule, however, which puts the 
last 5 episodes of the series off until September. It distracts the casual 
viewer, by stopping the current run of new episodes right before the next 
major turning point in the series. 
	More to the point, it frustrates loyal viewers like myself to know 
there are new episodes in the can, ready to be broadcast, that I won't 
see for 4 months due only to a small routine decision in programming. 

	Less than 3 years ago, we fans of quality television, especially 
quality science fiction, took a chance on a little-known show. Now I'd like 
to ask you to take a chance on the fans, and show the final 5 episodes of 
this season within the next few weeks. I think you'll be pleased and 
pleasantly surprised by the result, in fan loyalty as well as in ratings.

	Thanks for your time, and your continued efforts in supporting 
Babylon 5.


Chris Keroack	  <*> Save the whales... collect the full set, with 
ck-ah at  <*> boxtops from specially marked packages!


From: dkuhn at (David Kuhn)
Lines: 26

In article <419258559wnr at>, <david at> 
> In article: <4mmpgl$skk at>  ck-ah at ( ) writes:
> > 
> > I mean, they're the ones who launched a major ad campaign. They seem to 
> > want the show to be healthy.
> >  
> > If everyone on the net could write them a brief, polite letter 
> > _yesterday_, do you think there's a chance of getting the final 5 
> > starting in say, July (isn't a July a sweeps month?). 
> > 
> > Give us an address of someone vaguely responsible for scheduling (or 
> > vaguely responsible for the person who schedules...) and I'm sure we'd be 
> > all over it. Or tell us there's no changing their minds and we can start 
> > on the voodoo dolls now. ;)
> Actually, this whole thing is a conspiracy by the government, JMS and 
> Warners to drive you all insane. Just to make it worse the final five will 
> be shown in Britain ahead of America, but since we're all in on the 
> conspiracy over here all the tapes we said we sent will mysteriously 
> disapear in the post.

Not only that, but that weird PAL format you guys use is part of the mass 
conspiracy!  I think it was developed just to screw us U.S. B5 fans <grin>.



From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 8

I honestly don't know if their minds can be changed about this; you can
try if you wish, but I have a hunch this is one of those immovable
objects/irresistable force scenarios.


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