ATTN JMS: Interludes and Examinations (spoilers)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu May 9 07:25:29 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: Interludes and Examinations (spoilers)
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: May  7, 1996: m.b.drake at (Martyn B. Drake)
+  3: May  8, 1996: Stephen Langasek <langasek at>
*  4: May  8, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: m.b.drake at (Martyn B. Drake)
Lines: 63

Steven Hansen previously wrote on Tue, 07 May 1996 07:14:40 GMT:

> 	S  p   o   i    l    e   r      S  p   a   c   e  .   .   .

[ Extra space inserted due to lack of space protecting a MAJOR spoiler

  that nobody outside the USA who hasn't seen this episode should
  know about .. yet. ]

> Wow!  I can see why that was a surprise for you when you wrote it!
> Even though I accidentally read about it beforehand, the death of
> (name DELETED to protect the innocent) was astonishing.

A request to everyone posting regarding Interludes and Examinations..

Could you _please_, _please_, insert at least 20-30 (or more if
necessary) lines space in your posts in future, as I managed to catch
the "death of" bit straight away when my newsreader hit the article by
accident.  I've just been majorly spoiled..  I'm not angry, but the
episode does appear to have lost it's effect slightly.  :-(

That said, it's probably my fault for not placing future episode
titles in my kill file to prevent this thing from happening.  I shall
remind myself to have to do that.

Sorry for rambling, folks.  Feel free to criticise anything you find
flawed with my argument.

  All opinions are my own and are not necessarily shared by my university
              * The Ultimate TV & Movie MIDI Page UK Mirror: *


From: Stephen Langasek <langasek at>
Lines: 51

Martyn B. Drake wrote:
> >       S  p   o   i    l    e   r      S  p   a   c   e  .   .   .

> [ Extra space inserted due to lack of space protecting a MAJOR spoiler
>   that nobody outside the USA who hasn't seen this episode should
>   know about .. yet. ]

> > Wow!  I can see why that was a surprise for you when you wrote it!
> > Even though I accidentally read about it beforehand, the death of
> > (name DELETED to protect the innocent) was astonishing.
> A request to everyone posting regarding Interludes and Examinations..
> Could you _please_, _please_, insert at least 20-30 (or more if
> necessary) lines space in your posts in future, as I managed to catch
> the "death of" bit straight away when my newsreader hit the article by
> accident.  I've just been majorly spoiled..  I'm not angry, but the
> episode does appear to have lost it's effect slightly.  :-(

As one who was voluntarily spoiled, I'd have to say that the episode is still very 
powerful.  If all you know is "Kosh dies," then there's still a lot of reasons to 
watch it. :)

The opinions expressed above are not necessarily those of my employer...
But they *should* be, dammit!


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 9

Thanks, yes, Bruce did a great job in that scene; there's a touch of
madness in it, which is quite understandable.  As for the Rangers, they
get a new, added role later this season.


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