B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Sat May 11 12:52:43 EDT 1996

Forwarded message to B5JMS list.
Originally From: danwood at pobox.com (Dan Wood)


[ Mod Note:  As always, *BE POLITE* when writing to stations.  They are
  obviously much more likely to help you if you don't piss them off.  --cr.]


I've heard from a number of people interested in helping out with 
the survey of PTEN stations to determine which stations need focusing upon 
to ensure B5's renewal.

So far, I've gotten 49 stations covered.  (See my accompanying post -- I 
need more people across the USA to help out!)

Of those 49, several people have already heard from their station.  I 
thought I'd share these with you.

Of those that heard something back, 18 of the stations seemed to indicate 
that they were interested in renewing B5.  3 were negative about B5 and 
doubted that they would keep it another year.  2 were ambiguous or there 
was conflicting information.

So: Things are optimistic, but that doesn't mean much.   There will need 
to be a minimum number of stations renewing.  So if one station is VERY 
happy about B5, it won't necessarily make up for other stations that don't 
want it next year.

These are the stations, so far, that we know we *must* concentrate upon 
with letters.  If you know people in these areas that watch B5, *please* 
try to get them to write their stations.  Heck, if you're energetic, write 
'em yourself.  :)

IA, Sioux City, KMEG 14
    "Help is needed NOW for the Siouxland area"
    7th & Floyd Blvd.
    Sioux City, IA 51105
    Mr. Bruce Lewis, V.P. & General Manager
    Mr. Clayton Koehler, Program Director
    Mr. Bob Bosse, Promotion Director 

MA, Boston, WSBK 38
    "they were not enthusiastic about about Babylon 5 ... They also
    mentioned that the ratings were low here"
    83 Birmingham Parkway
    Boston, MA 02135
    Mr. Stuart Tauber, General Manager
    Ms. Meg La Vigne, Program & Promotion Director 

MO, St. Louis, KPLR 11
    "[Program Manager] jokingly suggested that he could make
    tapes of BABYLON 5 for the three viewers who watch BABYLON 5 in
    St. Louis ... [KPLR] would probably not pick up the contract for
    next season"
    4935 Lindell Boulevard
    St. Louis, MO 63108
    Mr. Max Lumis, V.P. & General Manager
    Mr. Howard Stevens, Program Manager
    Ms. Suzi Schrappen, Director of Creative Services 

These are the stations that have already told folks they want to keep B5 
for next season.  If you live in these areas, congratulations!  But do you 
have any friends in other areas of the country?

Stations marked with "*" said something to the effect that they plan to 
continue showing B5 as long as it's produced.
Stations marked with "**" said that they had already informed WB that they 
wanted to renew the show

AL, Montgomery: WCOV-20 *
CA, San Diego: XETV-6 *
CA, San Francisco: KBHK-44 **
CO, Colorado Springs: KXRM-21 **
CO, Denver: KDVR-31 *
FL, Miami-Ft. Lauderdale: WDZL-39 *
FL, W. Palm Beach-Ft. Pierce: WTVX-34 *
IL, Chicago: WPWR-50   *, "assuming there are no major changes in the
                          contractual points"
IL, Urbana-Champaign: WCCU-27  "consider a renewal very seriously in the
                                event that it does become available as a
                                single syndicated series"
IN, Fort Wayne: WFFT-35 "...has definitely been picked up for the fall"
MD, Baltimore: WNUV-54 *
NC, Greensboro: WBFX *
NH, Derry-Merrimack: WNDS-50 **
NV, Las Vegas: KVVU-5 **
OH, Cleveland: WOIO-43 *
TX, Austin: KEYE-42 *
TX, Dallas - Ft. Worth: KTXA-21 **
WA, Seattle-Tacoma: KTZZ-22 **

(quotes are attributed to the people who mentioned it to me; not 
necessarily quotes of the station representatives)

Naturally, if you have any corrections or additions to the results, please 
e-mail me.  Again, I still need people to call stations around the country 
-- e-mail me to sign up.  (Don't call yet; I'll pick one person for each 

Dan <danwood at pobox.com>

-----------------      * Mentos Gallery  *   The Bay Area Young Blues *
Dan Wood               * Babylon 5 FAQ   *   A Basic Course in Dvorak *
danwood at pobox.com      * Made on a Mac   * Keep B5 alive  * and more! *
-----------------      * on my home page: http://zocalo.net/~danwood/ *

rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.info    <*>    archive:  http://ivory.ora.com/rastb5i/
another fine service       submissions to:  b5-info at callisto.pas.rochester.edu
of ISN mars bureau    comments to:  b5-info-request at callisto.pas.rochester.edu
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