B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Sat May 11 12:56:12 EDT 1996

Forwarded message to B5JMS list.
Originally From: danwood at pobox.com (Dan Wood)



I'm still in need of *lots* of volunteers to contact stations to find 
out if they intend to renew B5.  As of this writing, I have 49 
stations covered out of the 162 or so that I have on my list.  I 
would like to get as much of the country covered as possible.

My original call for volunteers is included below.

Here are the states/cities where I still need people:

AK, AL (not Montgomery), AR (Ft. Smith), AZ (Phoenix, Yuma),
CA (not LA, SD, SF), CT,
FL (Bradenton, Jacksonville, Panama City, Tallahassee),
GA (not Atlanta), IA (Davenport, Sioux City),
ID, IL (Bloomington), IN (not Urbana, Lafayette, Ft. Wayne),
ME, MI (not Detroit), MN, MO (Springfield), MS (Natchez), MT,
NC (not Raleigh, Greensboro), ND, NE, NM, NV (Reno),
NY (not Binghamton, WWOR, Rochester),
OH (Columbus, Toledo), OK, Oregon (Eugene),
PA (not Pittsburgh, Philadelphia),
TN, TX (not Austin, Dallas),
UT, VA (not Richmond). WA (not Seattle), WI (not Madison), WV, WY

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 Subject: <*> Volunteers wanted in B5 station Survey <*>

 Hello fellow B5 fans (in the U.S.A.).

 As you know, the crunch is on to keep B5 renewed, and the decision is
 up to the local stations.  All viewers are encouraged to write their
 local stations to support B5  (See my previous "call to arms" post and
 go visit http://www.babylon5.com/support/).

 What I thought would be useful would be to get an idea of *which*
 stations are interested in keeping B5 on their schedules, and which
 stations are still gonna need some convincing.  That way, we would
 know in what cities to concentrate our efforts.

 Since we have thousands of fans on the net, it should be pretty easy
 to get all or most of the stations around the country called without
 any real expense or hassle.


 If you are willing to call your local station(s) and find out their
 take, please e-mail me <danwood at pobox.com> with the subject "SURVEY".
 In the body of the message, tell me who you are, and what station(s)
 (city and call letters) you can call.  I'm especially looking for
 mature people who are good on the phone, so feel free to include any
 reasons that you would be a good "local representative."


 Since I will likely get multiple responses for various stations, I
 will pick *one* person to call. If I pick you, I'll e-mail you back
 and indicate the protocol, you can then e-mail me back with the

 Once I've gotten all the responses I can, I'll post the results, and
 we can go from there.

-----------------      * Mentos Gallery  *   The Bay Area Young Blues *
Dan Wood               * Babylon 5 FAQ   *   A Basic Course in Dvorak *
danwood at pobox.com      * Made on a Mac   * Keep B5 alive  * and more! *
-----------------      * on my home page: http://zocalo.net/~danwood/ *

rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5.info    <*>    archive:  http://ivory.ora.com/rastb5i/
another fine service       submissions to:  b5-info at callisto.pas.rochester.edu
of ISN mars bureau    comments to:  b5-info-request at callisto.pas.rochester.edu
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