JMS: Tapes seen at con

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed May 15 06:20:03 EDT 1996

Subject: JMS: Tapes seen at con
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: May 13, 1996: ck-ah at ( )
*  2: May 14, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: ck-ah at ( )
Lines: 26

I have a feeling as to what the answer is, but: are these legit?

At World Horror con, someone was selling tapes of episodes.
Apparently, according to what I'd heard,

"A dealer there was selling B5 episodes from England.  They were nicely 
package by WB.  ...they have the tapes  converted to NTSC and re-dubed 
back on to the original tapes.  They claimed the quality was excellent.  They 
had the whole first season, two to a tape, except of course the pilot 
which took up a single tape and the last tape which actually had three 
episodes.  They were $34.95 apiece."

The dealer was

Super Collector - The Science Fiction Superstore
16547 Brookhurst St.
Fountain Valley CA 92708

Just curious,

Chris Keroack	  <*> Save the whales... collect the full set, with 
ck-ah at  <*> boxtops from specially marked packages!


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 7

Those copies are blatantly illegal and the individuals making them are
subject to federal prosecution.


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