JMS: KCOP Color Shifts

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon May 20 07:14:11 EDT 1996

Subject: JMS: KCOP Color Shifts
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: May 19, 1996: gpollak at (Gary Pollak)
+  3: May 20, 1996: gpollak at (Gary Pollak)
*  4: May 20, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: gpollak at (Gary Pollak)
Lines: 6

Watching on KCOP in Los Angeles, I noticed in WWE at least twice there
were sudden shifts in color right in the middle of a shot where everything
suddenly reddenned.  I've noticed this a few times on other episodes... is
this from a problem with the feed, or is it an editing error (as an editor
myself, I always note these sort of things).


From: gpollak at (Gary Pollak)
Lines: 18

On 20-May-96 05:12:25, James A. Wolf mumbled that:

> gpollak at (Gary Pollak) wrote:

>>Watching on KCOP in Los Angeles, I noticed in WWE at least twice there
>>were sudden shifts in color right in the middle of a shot where everything
>>suddenly reddened.  I've noticed this a few times on other episodes... is
>>this from a problem with the feed, or is it an editing error (as an editor
>>myself, I always note these sort of things).

> I think it's deliberate.  Those scenes were flashbacks.

No, no no, I don't mean the black and white flashbacks.  I am talking
about a VERY subtle shift within a scene (NOT at a cut; I mean right in
the middle of a shot) where suddenly the faces get redder.  It is NOT in
any way part of the narrative.


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 7

Huh...I have no idea why this would be, and didn't notice it when I
watched it on my set.  Maybe it's a cable situation with your set?  


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