Duplicates as of 11/1/96

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Sat Nov 2 15:14:09 EST 1996

This is a message from the maintainer of B5JMS and B5JMS-DIGEST.

All duplicates sent yesterday were the result of a "bad" site out there,
with a misconfigured mailer.  It bounced back all posts sent to a user
within that domain, right back to the B5JMS list!  Every few months another
one is found, and when that happens, I immediately unsubscribe all users
from that site from B5JMS.  The same happened this time.

B5JMS Poster.
Maintainer, B5JMS and B5JMS-DIGEST lists.
<b5jms-owner at majordomo.cs.columbia.edu>
-*** B5JMS SUBSCRIBERS: Replies to messages in this list go to the list
-*** maintainer, <b5jms-owner at cs.columbia.edu>.  If you want to reply
-*** elsewhere, adjust the "To" field.  The best way to reach JMS is to post
-*** to rastb5m, which can be done by sending email to <rastb5 at solon.com>.

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