ATTN JMS: Why the Theme Change?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Nov 10 06:16:08 EST 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: Why the Theme Change?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Nov  8, 1996: rejohnsn at
+  4: Nov  9, 1996: pinwiz at (Matt Elcock)
*  5: Nov  9, 1996: jmsatb5 at


From: rejohnsn at
Lines: 18

Mr. Straczynski --

I was wondering why the theme music changed with the new season (the Hour 
of the Wolf season)?  I thought the theme music from the previous one was 
about the best that had ever been written because it fit so well with the 
show -- the repetition of the last few bars really jacked up the tension, 
but by changing key with each repetition, it took the edge off, so you 
kept getting wound up without feeling stretched.  By the time the 
show started, I was already sitting on the edge of my seat.  I 
thought it was a great vehicle for sort of inspiring a sort of 
anxiety and empathy that really made it seem like B5 events affected 
my own life.  That music could have gone on for five minutes without getting 
dull.  I just don't get the same response from the new theme music.  Any 
chance that the old music could come back?

Rebecca Lynn Johnson
Ph.D. stud., Dept. of Anthropology, U Iowa


From: pinwiz at (Matt Elcock)
Lines: 26

Berry R. Thrailkill (bthrail at wrote:
: rejohnsn at writes:

: >I was wondering why the theme music changed with the new season (the Hour 
: >of the Wolf season)?
: [snip]
: > ...I just don't get the same response from the new theme music.  Any 
: >chance that the old music could come back?

:    Actually, if you'll check back in the first season episodes, you'll
: see that this IS "the old music". :)  It's a reworking of the first season
: theme (which is nice to hear again-- I loved that theme...).

Actually, the main melodic theme was used for Seasons 1, 2, and 4.  I've 
loved the music every season, and thought that the titles have gotten 
more and more exciting.

Also, does anyone else think that it's a nice choice for everyone _but_ 
Sheridan to speak during the credits?

Matt Elcock - Troopers Pit 1993 - 1996 (And proud!)
Exec. Director - Mind Blast Fantasy Drum and Bugle Corps
Troopers Homepage -


From: jmsatb5 at
Lines: 13

We change the theme every season to reflect the tonaity and direction of
that season's story.  Every season when it butts up against the previous
season's intent, a lot of folks ask why change it, it was better
before...and then, by the end of the season, when people see how it fits
in, generally they like it a lot...and then ask why it got changed for the
*next* season....


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