New FX

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Nov 10 06:21:09 EST 1996

Subject: New FX
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Nov  8, 1996: gronk10 at
+  3: Nov  9, 1996: phr at (Paul Rubin)
*  4: Nov  9, 1996: jmsatb5 at


From: gronk10 at
Lines: 7

Can anyone in the US comment on the quality of the SFX in the new series 4
episodes. Is the difference between ther new (Netter....?) companies FX
and the Foundation FX are they artificial looking like
the Space A&B effects were ? 

Simon <*>


From: phr at (Paul Rubin)
Lines: 16

In article <19961108182900.NAA27931 at>,
 <gronk10 at> wrote:
>Can anyone in the US comment on the quality of the SFX in the new series 4
>episodes. Is the difference between ther new (Netter....?) companies FX
>and the Foundation FX are they artificial looking like
>the Space A&B effects were ? 

The first S4 episode (Hour of the Wolf) doesn't have nearly as many
FX as the later S3 episodes, and what is there is mostly stock shots
of the station rotating, etc.  Of the other shots (the White Star
flipping over) there does seem to be a difference but I haven't
quite put my finger on it.  Anyway there's no big problem, and
if there are small problems I'm sure they'll be worked out.

Aside from FX issues, the overall look (lighting etc.) of Hour of
the Wolf is incredible, far better than earlier seasons.


From: jmsatb5 at
Lines: 21

"The first S4 episode (Hour of the Wolf) doesn't have nearly as many FX as
the later S3 episodes, and what is there is mostly stock shots of the
station rotating, etc."

There are as many CGI shots in "Wolf" as in most of our episodes, and more
than in "Rock," a later S3 episode.  There's also the new establishers of
Centauri Prime the planet, the revised Palace shots, new establishers of
the station, a big new shot of the interior of the Garden that pans down,
the beside-Z'ha'dum sequence...there's a LOT there.  So a) your latter
observation is, I gently point out, factually inaccurate, and b) most
station shots have been recycled stock since year one, adding new ones
each season then dropping them into rotation (so to speak).

We always balance big EFX shows with smaller ones, building up to some big
stuff.  We're doing the same thing here this year as we've ever done.


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