ATTN JMS: General B5 question

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Nov 15 06:28:51 EST 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: General B5 question
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Nov 14, 1996: "Andrew Plumb" <Tekmage at>
*  2: Nov 15, 1996: jmsatb5 at


From: "Andrew Plumb" <Tekmage at>
Lines: 27


Fantastic work!  This latest episode (Where is Mr. Garibaldi) completely
shifted my interpretation of character motives.  Which got me thinking...

Does reading through all these Internet discussions of your work,
speculations, and analyses help you not only generate ideas but maintain a
higher level of cohesion and complexity in the saga?  

In a way, your style reminds me more of the Tom Baker years of Dr. Who than
of any of the Star Trek years; is this an influence?

Your children have "evolved" magnificently.  Are you Lorien? ;-)


Andrew Plumb,  VE3SLG
E-mail:  Tekmage at
            3app at

Surfing digital oceans astride an analog dolphin...


From: jmsatb5 at
Lines: 16

"Does reading through all these Internet discussions of your work,
speculations, and analyses help you not only generate ideas but maintain a
higher level of cohesion and complexity in the saga?"

No, for one primary reason: there is no continuity of opinion about much
of ANYdamnthing among the netizens out there.  Which is the good thing
about all this; no two people see the same show.

But from this end, the story is the story is the story.


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