Attn JMS: More Homicide/B5 similarities of technique . . .

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Nov 19 06:11:33 EST 1996

Subject: Attn JMS: More Homicide/B5 similarities of technique . . .
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Nov 16, 1996: Jeffrey Newman <jnewman at astron.Berkeley.EDU>
*  2: Nov 17, 1996: jmsatb5 at


From: Jeffrey Newman <jnewman at astron.Berkeley.EDU>
Lines: 34

Kevin Turner wrote in

> Loved the 11/15 episode!! Missed the first two minutes, though. Any
> chance that Mr. Henry Bromell wrote it? Or part of it?
  . . . Some misc. comments removed . . .

> I also like the use of narration used from another character and/or
> scene--after that scene is played out--this picture is then cut--but we
> still hear the audio from the previous scene, but it is "spliced" on to
> another scene. (I hope that makes sense.) This technique is used to great
> effect in the last 3 min. in tonight's episode.
> Let see NYPD Blue and other not so great series like "Profiler" do that.
> (Sorry, they can't!! Bah-hah!!)

I couldn't help thinking of B5's use of such techniques when reading
It seems that once again two quality shows have found similar narrative
(just as long as you don't try to imitate Homicide's late unlamented 
deka-take . . .).


HANNAH:  It's all trivial . . . It's wanting to know that makes us
        Otherwise we're going out the way we came in.

                -Tom Stoppard, "Arcadia"


From: jmsatb5 at
Lines: 40

"HANNAH:  It's all trivial . . . It's wanting to know that makes us
matter. Otherwise we're going out the way we came in. -Tom Stoppard,

Saw this play while I was in London about a year and a half ago.  Liked
parts of it, but as much as I like Tom Stoppard's work overall, I think
that if they're going to produce a play like this they should at least
have the politeness to TELL you that there's math involved.  I didn't know
there would be a test.

(And since somebody's bound to addition to Stoppard, I'm very
fond of the work of Joe Orton, Harold Pinter (though a little of that goes
a long way), and Alan Ayckbourn (whose "Norman Conquests" is/are
wonderful).  I also saw "Dancing at Luhnasa," and to this day don't
understand what all the furor was about, though it was a fine enough

Whenever I'm in London, I try to see as much theater as I can, because so
much of it is so well done there.  Though, I must confess, I dozed off
halfway through a Restoration period sex farce (well, an attempt at same)
at the RSC Swan Theater that was dry as sawdust.  "The Woman in Black"
remains one of the most entertaining small plays in London, a terrific
little ghost story that draws you in whether you want to be drawn in or
not.  (The Buddy Holly autobiographical play is thin on plot, great on
music.  But then, so was "Return to Forbidden Planet," and that was a hoot
also.)  And the new staging of "An Inspector Calls" is just terrific.

This has been your theater review for the day.  Thankyew.


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