ATTN JMS : Spoiler credits!

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Nov 21 06:18:01 EST 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS : Spoiler credits!
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Nov 20, 1996: "SMITHWICK, MIKE" <mike at>
+  3: Nov 20, 1996: denebeim at (Jay Denebeim)
*  4: Nov 21, 1996: jmsatb5 at


From: "SMITHWICK, MIKE" <mike at>
Lines: 72

I have taken to covering my ears and humming the theme to 
Gilligan's Island during the preview and all B5 commercials during
DS-9. All to avoid spoilers, so I may see an episode, well, ah, 
unspoiled I suppose.

But now we're getting spoilers in the credits! Aieeeeee! In Shadow
Dancing, we were told that ...(spoier space)



let me








Anna Sheridan would appear. For shame for shame! I guess we
can run, (or humm), but cannot hide.


Mike Smithwick, author First Light, Distant Suns, Galileo, AmigaTrek,
Babylon 5-The Musical

"President Clinton is a bore, and he will always be a bore"
	David Brinkly, not knowing that he was on-the-aire


From: denebeim at (Jay Denebeim)
Lines: 49

In article <56v7d7$812 at>,
Maria Ana Montalvo <mmontalvo at> wrote:
>In article <32928FEC.334F at>, SMITHWICK, MIKE <mike at> wrote:
>>I have taken to covering my ears and humming the theme to 
>>Gilligan's Island during the preview and all B5 commercials during
>>DS-9. All to avoid spoilers, so I may see an episode, well, ah, 
>>unspoiled I suppose.
>>But now we're getting spoilers in the credits! Aieeeeee! In Shadow
>>Dancing, we were told that ...(spoier space)
>[space snipped; it's been seen in US and UK]
>>Anna Sheridan would appear. For shame for shame! I guess we
>>can run, (or humm), but cannot hide.
>The credits just said Anna.  Anna Sheridan isn't the only Anna in the

Well, yes and no.  Given his druthers, I'm sure jms would have left
her off the credits.  Someone of that stature had to have a credit at
the beginning and their character's name.  By using 'anna' MAYbe some
people were surprised, who knows?

Also, we have to take the long view.  Remember B5 was not designed to
be seen the way we've been seeing it.  The all but inescapable hoopla
about BB and his wife appearing on an episode of 'his' show would
spoil anyone.  (why it's signifigant for an actor's SO to play a part,
I'll never know)

ANYway, B5 is designed to be stripped.  You catch the train at
midnight (on the firing line) and you ride it until you feel like
dancing (in the light).  This works out to be about five months
assuming 5 weekdays/week airing.  If you're watching closely, Anna
will not have been mentioned for almost a month between the time
Sheridan obcesses on her in 'ItSoZ' and 'ShDa'.  So, it could be a

Since we're watching the show being created, we have time to obcess
and nitpick every little detail of the show.  A 'real' viewer of it
won't be doing that, they'll just have 24 hours to think about it
before the next episode.

* Jay Denebeim, Moderator,   *
* newsgroup submission address:   rastb5 at             *
* moderator contact address:      rastb5-request at     *
* personal contact address:       denebeim at              *


From: jmsatb5 at
Lines: 9

Credits are done through screen actors guild regulations, and thus can't
be helped if they appear in inconvenient places, I'm afraid.


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