ATTN JMS: Summoning (minor spoilers)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Nov 21 06:23:02 EST 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: Summoning (minor spoilers)
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Nov 20, 1996: Cheryl.Thompson at
*  2: Nov 21, 1996: jmsatb5 at


From: Cheryl.Thompson at
Lines: 58

spoilers (of a sort) for The Summoning), a season of B5 masquerading as a
single episode.....

<throat-clearing sounds> uh, th-thanks, uh... J-joe  <raspy gaps for breath>

      Thanks for the chance to do some more self-strangulation, some more
hyperventilating, some more palpitation-level exercise for my poor heart, some
more cat-terrifying moans and curses and groans.  Like a prisoner in torment,
there were times when passing out would have been a relief.  On the other
hand, blinking one's eyes would have been torment!  Only to blink, to look
away, would have been to miss precious seconds of unparalleled drama,
gut-wrenching tension, superb writing and sublime acting!!  AGAIN!!!
      It's no longer possible to describe or do justice to this series.....
Events are racing, blurring. Tick.Tock. Seen one Sheridan, seen them all.
Seen one Vorlon, not seen them all.  Seen one planet.  All go boom.
<humming a random little tune>  emperors go, boom, and planets scream.  Tick,
tock, Lyta go boom.   Uh, ...what was I saying?  Oh, yes, seen one Garibaldi,
seen them all ---NOT.  <giggling>  Seen one battle, not begun to see them all.
Seen one Sheridan, seen a future Sheridan.  But which future?  Tick.  Tock.
The bomb is amidst us unseen - everywhere and no where.

      Joe, as I just said to a friend,  you're spreading a madness with your
writing.  Have you no shame, sir?  No conscience?  No compassion for the minds
you're destroying?

      Tick.  Tock.    Is it the waiting explosion of the next episode I hear?
The beat of our hearts?  Or the clatter of eldritch-lit keys under the hands
of a fey and unequaled genius?

      Sleep.  ...To sleep, perchance to dream.  Ah, there's the rub.



From: jmsatb5 at
Lines: 13

"Joe, as I just said to a friend,  you're spreading a madness with your
writing.  Have you no shame, sir?  No conscience?  No compassion for the
minds you're destroying?"

Don't be silly...remember, I'm a television producer....


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