Attn. JMS: Kevin Dobson?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Nov 22 06:13:53 EST 1996

Subject: Attn. JMS: Kevin Dobson?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Nov 21, 1996: Robert Baumann <rbaumann at>
+  3: Nov 22, 1996: funkster at (Larry Hastings)
*  4: Nov 22, 1996: jmsatb5 at


From: Robert Baumann <rbaumann at>
Lines: 9

I've seen that some of the upcoming episodes will be directed by Kevin
Dobson.  A number of years ago there was a Kevin Dobson on a very good
late night NBC news show (whose name I cannot remember) with Linda
Ellerbe.  Are these the same person?


From: funkster at (Larry Hastings)
Lines: 26

Donsem at (Don Semmens) writes:
>In article <3294D75F.527E at>, Robert Baumann  <rbaumann at> wrote:
>>I've seen that some of the upcoming episodes will be directed by Kevin
>>Dobson.  A number of years ago there was a Kevin Dobson on a very good
>>late night NBC news show (whose name I cannot remember) with Linda
>>Ellerbe.  Are these the same person?
>I believe you're thinking of Lloyd Dobbins who co-hosted the late night
>news show before Letterman started on NBC. [..] I don't remember the
>name of the show either

NBC News Overnight.  And, yes, it was Lloyd Dobbins.

"The final quote is from Mark Twain, discussing the young missionary who
 went out among the cannibals.  Said Twain: 'They listened with the
 greatest of interest to everything he had to say.  And then they ate him.'
 This is the three hundred sixty-seventh edition of 'Overnight.'  There
 are no more.  And so it goes."
                --Linda Ellerbee's closing remarks on the final
                  "NBC News Overnight" show, 12/2/83

larry hastings, the galactic funkster, funkster at
"Men ARE pigs.  Too bad we own everything!  Ha ha ha!" --Tim Allen
<a href="">My brain-melting WWW homepage</a>


From: jmsatb5 at
Lines: 8

No, this Kevin is an Australian director.


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