Pasadena Convention

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Nov 22 06:08:51 EST 1996

Subject: Pasadena Convention
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Nov 22, 1996: dkountz at (Donald Kountz)
*  2: Nov 22, 1996: jmsatb5 at


From: dkountz at (Donald Kountz)
Lines: 44

 Any comments on the B5 convention?Or favorite lines? Adam said at the
end of it that there were going to be more B5 conventions!! 
 My favorite story besides the gag on JMS (and I couldn't stand sitting
there so quiet, but hey would Andreas and Peter do anything wrong?) is
the story that Andreas told about G'Kar's breastplate with the nipples
on it--seems Andreas had to put bandaids on them, cause Peter couldn't
resist squeezing them--Andreas even walked away from Peter when he was
telling the story--These two are incredible on stage together--Great

I wished Andreas had autographed, that was a disappointment, however
Peter did and he is just wonderful--very nice-real people person and if
anyone can go to a convention to seen him or Andreas--Do so!! 

Also wasn't Jerry Dole originally listed to be there?He and Michael
O'Hare didn't show.  I haven't had a chance to see either one yet:(
Claudia was never listed to be there. Mira was very good and the first
time I had seen her. 

And JMS was there-He's really changed since the first time I saw him
Very Together-and knows he has loyal fans and a great show--Can you
image no Babylon5? I can't--this man is a god--and I got his autograph!
 And please JMS, don't be hard on Andreas--he's had a hard time the
last few eposides, and with the stress of Peter messing with his
nipples, you could see why he broke and did the gag.  

There were several people asking about Na'Toth coming back--No answer
was given. Lets do a survey, what do you think about her coming back?

Bruce was great and this was the first time I had seen him--He looks
great in person and very nice--
Bill Mumy, Franklin, Steven,, were all on stage together. They were
great and told good stories, looked great.

Everyone on the Babylon5 cast seems pleased to be at the convention and
enjoyed the fans. They all gave a great show, and Its nice to have
"other" conventions to go to. 



From: jmsatb5 at
Lines: 19

"And please JMS, don't be hard on Andreas--he's had a hard time the last
few eposides, and with the stress of Peter messing with his nipples, you
could see why he broke and did the gag."

Oh, no...he doesn't get off that easy.  I've got 9 episodes left to write
this season, and that's ample opportunity to make his life a living hell.

"Let's see...he's my employer...he can make me do ANYthing he wants me to
do...I've got an idea, let's fuck with his mind!"

Oh, but I'm going to enjoy this *mightily*.


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