JMS over on CIS

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Nov 23 06:18:37 EST 1996

Subject: JMS over on CIS
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Nov 22, 1996: David Frankel <frankel at>
*  2: Nov 23, 1996: jmsatb5 at


From: David Frankel <frankel at>
Lines: 20

I don't want to start some sort of net-sibling rivalry 
("Dad like me better. Nuh-uhh, he likes me bestest"), 
but it seems to me, sometimes, that JMS answers far more questions 
regarding story content ("Are the Vorlons and the Shadows the same 
race?") on CIS than here.

Could this be because of the ease of using CIS (I've never tried it)?  Is 
it becuase of the high volume on RASTB5 relative to CIS?  It can't be 
because of the quality of the questions ;)

BTW, my sincerest thanks to Mr. Hardin for his postings on our newsgroup 
of the CIS JMS-files: an enjoyable part of everyday's readings.

David "If you Vorlons and Shadows can't play together nice, then you 
can't play together at all" Frankel


From: jmsatb5 at
Lines: 9

It's a combination of the ease of the CIS interface, that I can do it
offline more easily, and the type of questions.


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