Question to JMS about the background of developing the alien nations & organizations

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Nov 24 06:12:55 EST 1996

Subject: Question to JMS about the background of developing the alien nations & organizations
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Nov 24, 1996: Eike Lange <eike.lange at>
*  2: Nov 24, 1996: jmsatb5 at


From: Eike Lange <eike.lange at>
Lines: 20

Dear JMS,
hopefully you enjoyed the Cabaret on Sunday 4 August, 1996. :-)
Thank you for taking time to answer questions.
Do you be inspired for nations like Centauri, Narn etc. 
and for organizations like "Nightwatch" and "Psi Corp" by human history?
Are there any actual or past nations which inspire you to create similar 
alien nations (e.g. for the Centauri)? 
The organization "Nightwatch" also remind me to things happening here in 
B5 is very popular in Germany. We are in third season (Tomorrow the TV station will show
the episode in which Earth Alliance Forces attack B5, I think it is "Severed Dreams part1").
Its an exciting show.
I hope that the Continuation of B5 will not be an US TV question, only. There 
are many people outside the US watching B5. I hope the WB officials will keep 
that in mind.


From: jmsatb5 at
Lines: 9

Yes, I certainly tend to draw on historical parallels for parts of the B5
universe backstory.


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