ATTN JMS: Arc ending this season?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Nov 27 06:11:18 EST 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: Arc ending this season?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Nov 25, 1996: u01dlw at (u01dlw)
+  3: Nov 25, 1996: mibenedetto at (Michael Benedetto)
*  4: Nov 26, 1996: jmsatb5 at


From: u01dlw at (u01dlw)
Lines: 22

Okay, this has been asked before, I know I read the article a while back, and
was quite relieved to hear that it wasn't definite. However I then pick up a
copy of TV Zone(UK Magazine for sci-fi etc) and read in it an interview with
Bruce Boxleitner which clearly states the shows 5 year arc is ending this year.
And then I pick up a copy of Cult TV, with an interview with JMS in it, and this
also features the same info, except this time it states quite clearly that
Warner Brothers have asked JMS to resolve the shows 5 year arc this season. now
this really worries me, I find it quite easy to put the worries caused by rumors
out of my mind, since as far as I'm concerned if it doesn't come from JMS and
it's over the internet it isn't really reliable. But a 2 magazines(both by same
publisher I may note) with interviews with Bruce Boxleitner and JMs pretty much
sounds reliable to me. And this does worry me, because I feel a little
dissappointed knowing that B5's 5 year arc is going to end in 4 years, a
contradiction in terms really(though Earth-force intelligence is prolly a bigger
one). So I decided to post here and see if this is really true, is it happening.
Oh well if it is true, then the good news(according to the same JMS interview)
is that JMS is writing the whole season, not a bad thing(for us at least 8>).

Oh well, hope the response to this is a good one.


From: mibenedetto at (Michael Benedetto)
Lines: 20

In article <57cj4q$k2a at>, u01dlw at (u01dlw) wrote:
>Oh well, hope the response to this is a good one.

It is. Those interviews were all conducted several months ago, at a time
when WB was giving JMS mixed signals. They're old news. Recent ratings
have been wonderful, and WB has been much more enthusiastic about Season

I suggest that you read more carefully in the future before asking a
question -- this has been answered. Repeatedly. As recently as last week.


Me banana you banana Nim Nim Nim banana.
                                                                                 -Nim Chimpsky


From: jmsatb5 at
Lines: 36

"I then pick up a copy of TV Zone(UK Magazine for sci-fi etc) and read in
it an interview with Bruce Boxleitner which clearly states the shows 5
year arc is ending this year.  And then I pick up a copy of Cult TV, with
an interview with JMS in it, and this also features the same info, except
this time it states quite clearly that Warner Brothers have asked JMS to
resolve the shows 5 year arc this season."

Yes, I have those two magazines as well, both from the same publisher. 
And I was rather upset when I saw them, because, if you will go back and
read them again, you will see that nowhere are Bruce or I quoted as SAYING
that there is only going to be 4 years.  The *magazine* says that, the
writer says that, but they nowhere provide a quote from anyone backing
that up.  I *sure* as hell didn't say that, and Bruce has indicated the
same thing to me.

The magazine is making assumptions.  Let me state this again: nothing has
yet been decided for certain.  If it had been, I would tell you.

Look...let's be logical about this, shall we?  If I knew this would be the
last year, what possible mileage is there in keeping this secret?  I'd
want to put this info out there in hopes of either a) getting a campaign
going, or b) bracing the fans for the inevitable, if it were inevitable
(the joke about your mom's on the roof and we can't get her down).  

Let me repeat this: I DON'T KNOW.  WB DOESN'T KNOW.  Nothing has yet been
decided for certain.


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