ATTN:JMS: A 5 Year Universe Done in 4 Years?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Nov 27 06:16:19 EST 1996

Subject: ATTN:JMS: A 5 Year Universe Done in 4 Years?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Nov 25, 1996: Ed Ketz <ketz at>
*  2: Nov 26, 1996: jmsatb5 at


From: Ed Ketz <ketz at>
Lines: 15

First of all, thanks for the "If you're falling off a cliff, you might
as well try to fly" line.  I've told it to a few of my students who are
in the midst of the "my god it's near the end of the semester and I'm
NEVER gonna finish" blues.  It made for a nice rif on doing the best ya
can with what ya got.

Now on to more selfish things.  B5 is a GOOD show. As I understand B5 is
a story that is meant to play out over 5 years.  IF the powers at WB
kill B5 at the end of this season, do you have a plan for finishing the
story (movie, video, another network)?  I know this is premature
worrying on my part, but like I said, B5 is a GOOD show.


From: jmsatb5 at
Lines: 8

The story will be finished, one way or another.


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