JMS makes my wife squeal Saturday Nights!

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Nov 30 06:19:17 EST 1996

Subject: JMS makes my wife squeal Saturday Nights!
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Nov 30, 1996: herneson at (Robert Herneson)
*  2: Nov 30, 1996: jmsatb5 at


From: herneson at (Robert Herneson)
Lines: 36

   After the first year, I took a second to do the fan boy gush and tell you
how incredable I thought that the show is/was.   Still do.
   But Joe, thats nothing compared to what you are doing to my wife!
   My petite, demure wife, a professional woman of letters, turns the lights
down on Saturday nights (when the show airs), sprawls on the floor, demands
total control, and then when some piece of dailoge strikes her just so,
shreeks, holding in laughter, so she can hear the rest.   Then when there is
a great space scene, load moaning commentary like, "No, no, no...  YES!
Yes, yes!!!" is shouted.
   The neighbors are starting to talk!
   Joe, usually I am the only one who produces those kinds of responces.
Now I realise it takes a whole cast & crew for you to do it, but I am
starting to get jealous.   More so, I am strting to get a little worried, you
see if the worst should happen, and the show not see season 5 under
then she is going to *demand* equivilant Satuday night action.
   So basically, yes, I will be very distraut over dying before I get to see
the last season, but I will die happy.

   Uncountable thanks to you, the cast, and crew for all that you do!   It is 
wonderful to be able to see, piece by piece, wheat the word MASTERPIECE 


'Scotsmen are metaphisical and emotional, they are sceptical and mystical, they are romantic and ironic, they are cruel and tender, and full of mirth and despair'.  - William Dunbar, 1931

Robert Herneson   herneson at


From: jmsatb5 at
Lines: 19

"My petite, demure wife, a professional woman of letters, turns the lights
down on Saturday nights (when the show airs), sprawls on the floor,
demands total control, and then when some piece of dailoge strikes her
just so, shreeks, holding in laughter, so she can hear the rest.   Then
when there is a great space scene, load moaning commentary like, "No, no,
no...  YES! Yes, yes!!!" is shouted."

(laying back, lighting a cigarette)

I'm sorry, what were you saying?

Okay, who wants pizza?


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