ATTN JMS: Congratulations on your current ratings trend!

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Nov 30 06:14:11 EST 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: Congratulations on your current ratings trend!
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Nov 29, 1996: Travers Naran <tnaran at>
*  2: Nov 30, 1996: jmsatb5 at


From: Travers Naran <tnaran at>
Lines: 27

Over on (, the latest
syndicated ratings report has Babylon 5 at #25 over-all in all
categories of syndicated programming (going up against re-runs of Star
Trek, TNG, game shows, talk shows, news magazines, tabloids, etc.)

So, let us see your track record

Week of:
10/7-10/13 -- Rank #19, 3.6 rating, 3.46 million households.
11/4-11/10 -- Rank #22, 3.6 rating, 3.49 million households.
11/11-11/17 -- Rank #25, 3.7 rating, 3.60 million households

What I find interesting is that Syndicated television seems to be
increasing its ratings of late.  Either way you cut it though, Joe,
you've been high-profile in the Top 25 Syndicated shows.  I also find it
interesting that your ranking is decreasing, but your audience is going
up! Of course, your detractors will claim it is the general increase in
viewership for syndication, but screw it: You've got 3.6 million
households watching (and probably even more individual viewers!)

So congratulation to you, your cast and your crew!  Here's to hoping you
stay on the Top 25 for most of this season!!


From: jmsatb5 at
Lines: 16

Yeah, the rankings sometimes drop even when the hard numbers increase when
you're in sweeps period, and everybody's fighting it out and there's a lot
of stunt programming going on.  To stay in the top 25 is a great thing,
and the growth in households is even better.  That's between 10-15 million
core viewers, and that's very good for a syndicated show, especially when
other dramatic shows like the ST series have seen definite drops (as per
the latest Entertainment Weekly).  And our demographics remain the highest
for any syndicated series, so that makes the show extremely attractive to


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