ATTN JMS: Future Episodes (no spoilers, I think)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Oct 19 06:37:24 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: Future Episodes (no spoilers, I think)
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Oct 18, 1996: Mark Lawrence Shannon <shingend at>
*  2: Oct 18, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: Mark Lawrence Shannon <shingend at>
Lines: 20

This may fall in the class of questions that end up with slapping my forehead and saying 
'duh!' but, having seen only through "Grey 17 is Missing" and having seen several of 
your posts on 'things to come', I have a question on the arc of the story.  You've said 
that we are now at or approaching the point in the story where we might feel we 
understand what's happening but it's going to get twisted around.

My question is just on the logistics.  It seems to me, from the titles of S4 episodes, 
that we are also reaching the point in the story where the main characters will no 
longer be together in the episodes.  By this I mean the stage where more, if not most, 
of the action is now off-station, individual errands, the station might never be shown 
in the episode, and the end of the ep won't have even the idea of 'home, James'.

Can you comment on whether we are going to see more episodes on the various planets, 
less of the characters working jointly on single threats or projects, and less of the 
station in the episodes?   
This has been Mark and/or Mary Shannon
at Shingend at
The good thing about being a pessimist is --
it lets you be pleasantly surprised -- on rare occasions.


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 7

Yes, a substantial amount of the S4 storyline takes place off B5.


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