JMS gets a Trojan

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Oct 19 06:32:21 EDT 1996

Subject: JMS gets a Trojan
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Oct 18, 1996: Troy-Heagy at (Troy Heagy (Elec Engr: 24))
+  2: Oct 18, 1996: khaight at (Kyle Haight)
*  3: Oct 18, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: Troy-Heagy at (Troy Heagy (Elec Engr: 24))
Lines: 20

> #: 594066 S5/Babylon 5: General
>    17-Oct-96  03:39:54
>Sb: #URGENT! HELP! from jms
>HELP!  I got zapped tonight!  Someone sent me what they SAID was a picture his
>kid made of a Starfury, said it'd be great if I could say an encouraging word
>or two about it.  So I downloaded the file, and it turned out to be a booby
>trap.  (No, I can't trace back the user, it's off the internet, and the address
>was an anon...didn't write it down.)
>Anyway, it DELETED MY DOS DIRECTORY and started to delete my Windows directory
>as well before I caught it at the last moment.

What a jerk!  That stupid idiot should be drowned, electrified, and hung
out to dry.  Probably works for Paramount! (just kidding)


From: khaight at (Kyle Haight)
Lines: 23

In article <v01540b05ae8d8d85eb69@[]>,
Troy Heagy (Elec Engr: 24) <Troy-Heagy at> wrote:
>> #: 594066 S5/Babylon 5: General
>>    17-Oct-96  03:39:54
>>Sb: #URGENT! HELP! from jms
>>Anyway, it DELETED MY DOS DIRECTORY and started to delete my Windows directory
>>as well before I caught it at the last moment.
>What a jerk!  That stupid idiot should be drowned, electrified, and hung
>out to dry.  Probably works for Paramount! (just kidding)

My initial response was "Boy, Paramount will go to _any_ lengths to
destroy the triple-encrypted B5 story arc on JMS' hard drive!"

Kyle Haight
khaight at

"We are mice, posting to Usenet in the first stages of a complex plan
to Take Over The WORLD!"


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 9

Just to jump in...I've now got most of the disk restored, still working on
the windows system directory (logging on to AOL from work), but it's
almost in hand, so there's no urgent need for email instructions at this should be okay soon.  Thanks.


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