Sci-Fi Universe Awards-Congrats to Mira Furlan & Peter Jurasik

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Oct 21 06:12:21 EDT 1996

Subject: Sci-Fi Universe Awards-Congrats to Mira Furlan & Peter Jurasik
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Oct 19, 1996: Chuck Fullerton <sdjpe at>
+  2: Oct 19, 1996: tomr at ( )
*  3: Oct 20, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: Chuck Fullerton <sdjpe at>
Lines: 33



    I have just spend an annoying half-hour on the Sci-Fi Universe
site ( trying to wrest the names of the winners
of the Sci-Fi Universe Readers Choice Awards from this annoying mess of a 
site. So far, good news in two categories:

             -Mira Furlan has WON the award for Best Supporting Actress
in a Genre Series
             -Peter Jurasik has WON in the category of Best Supporting
Actor in a Genre Series

             Congrats to Ms. Furlan and Mr. Jurasik! 
             However, I have had no luck thus far finding out who the
winners were in the other categories: Best Actor in a Genre Series,
Best Actress, Best Genre Series. I fully expect the media darling X-Files 
to win the Best Series gold, but hey, you never know. It is also not clear 
at this time whether JMS won the Editors Choice Award for Outstanding 
Achievement in Science Fiction Writing. If anyone has this information, 
could they please pass it along? I'm sure we would all be thrilled if B5 
was able to score an upset victory over X-Files. (email if you prefer.) 



From: tomr at ( )
Lines: 33

Chuck Fullerton (sdjpe at wrote:
:     I have just spend an annoying half-hour on the Sci-Fi Universe
: site ( trying to wrest the names of the winners
: of the Sci-Fi Universe Readers Choice Awards from this annoying mess of a 
: site. So far, good news in two categories:
:              -Mira Furlan has WON the award for Best Supporting Actress
: in a Genre Series
:              -Peter Jurasik has WON in the category of Best Supporting
: Actor in a Genre Series
:              Congrats to Ms. Furlan and Mr. Jurasik! 
:              However, I have had no luck thus far finding out who the
: winners were in the other categories: Best Actor in a Genre Series,
: Best Actress, Best Genre Series. I fully expect the media darling X-Files 
: to win the Best Series gold, but hey, you never know. It is also not clear 
: at this time whether JMS won the Editors Choice Award for Outstanding 
: Achievement in Science Fiction Writing. If anyone has this information, 
: could they please pass it along? I'm sure we would all be thrilled if B5 
: was able to score an upset victory over X-Files. (email if you prefer.) 
: Thanks! 

B5 won with Best Genre FX.

B5 lost to XF for Best Genre Series.

B5 lost to Space:AAB for best writing?!?!

TomR at fred.Net


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 15

Peter Jurasik won for Best Supporting Actor, and Bruce won for Best Actor.

The web site got it wrong; B5 won for Best Series, not error
which was repeated onstage, as one of the presenters read the name
X-Files, which was on the prompter, even though the card in his hand read
B5.  This led to a very embarrassing moment for a poor X-Files fellow who
went up there to accept, only to have it taken away.  

Mira, btw, was never notified of her nomination, or invited to the awards.


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