The Legend is True

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Sep 3 06:51:35 EDT 1996

Subject: The Legend is True
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Sep  1, 1996: Wendamatica <mythmakr at>
+  4: Sep  2, 1996: Lisala at (Lisa L. Spangenberg)
*  5: Sep  3, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: Wendamatica <mythmakr at>
Lines: 17

I had heard so many stories of conventions and rooms too small for the B5 
fans who showed, but they always sounded so hyperbolic that I didn't 
think they could be as true as all *that*, just because they *did* sound 
so grand.  Well it's true.  Joe's B5 panel was wall to wall, top to 
bottom, by FAR the biggest turn out I've seen for anything, including 
the trailers and related hype for the reissue of Star Wars.  It was 
amazing...they gave him a standing ovation coming *on* the stage and 
going *off* the stage.  Yowza!  There were still so many people that were 
unable to get in that they scheduled a second panel kinda on the spot.  
Why, with this much love for the show, it does not receive more 
conventional respect from virtually every front I do not know.  I'm glad 
he gets at least this sort of lovely acknowledgement.

Ruler of the Jellybean  (Except Black Ones Because They Taste Like Bug Blood)


From: Lisala at (Lisa L. Spangenberg)
Lines: 18

In article <Pine.SCO.3.91.960902072238.18151C-100000 at>,
Wendamatica <mythmakr at> wrote:

> Yes, the convention where I said Joe got a huge turnout was/is Worldcon.  
> And you'll have to ask him about the numbers, I'm sure they told him.  I 
> can't even guess how many people were in that room, or how many turned up 
> for the second panel.  Lots.  Many.  Hordes.
> Ruler of the Jellybean  (Except Black Ones Because They Taste Like Bug Blood)

It was supposed to hold 1500, according to the fire marshal who sat in the
back so he could see the presentation -too-

Lisa L. Spangenberg      |       Digital Medievalist
Lisala at Netcom.Com        |       My opinions are my own.   


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 22

Re: the number of folks at the two B5 presentations (the official one and
the hastily arranged second) at Worldcon...the first room held (seated)
1500 people, I was told.  There were about another 500 who were allowed
finally to stand in the back.  So figure 2,000.  The second panel was in
A9, which held 800, and we had about 2-3rds of that, so figure about
400-600, so you're looking at a total of about 2,400-2,600, which is about
what we had at San Diego Comic Con.  We're talking here roughly 1/2 of the
entire Convention attendance, maybe a smidge less.

I was forwarded a piece of email from one of the convention organzers
expressing his grave doubts that the presentation would draw more than 20%
of the whole convention...we got nearly 50 percent.

I have to say, btw, that this WorldCon was probably the best, and most
well organized WorldCons I've ever attended.  No hassles, no frustrations,
it was just a joy.


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