ATTN: JMS. Is it the end or the beginning?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Sep 3 07:16:44 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN: JMS. Is it the end or the beginning?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Aug 29, 1996: "Cap'n Bob" <techdocs at>
*  2: Sep  3, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: "Cap'n Bob" <techdocs at>
Lines: 16

We started watching B5 by accident 2 years ago and now can't quit--and 
it's been a long, hot summer of no new B5.  Why does the end of one 
season not appear until what's really the start of another?  You've 
created a show that, once it gets hold of you, won't let go--like a good 
novel.  You want to see how it all comes out, but you know when you reach 
the end, that will be the end.  And if it's that compelling, you want 
a sequel.  Will there ever be a B5 movie, or are you moving onto 
something else when this is over?  (We are new to the newsgroups and so 
do not know if you've already answered all this.) It's not just the "arc" 
but the compelling characters that move us toward the end that we both 
want and do not want.  Even the minor characters are memorable--who can 
forget Zathros?  And Andreas K's G'Kar is one of the most surprisingly 
moving performances on TV.  He deserves an Emmy.  You forget the latex 
and only see the heart.  Thanks for all of it.


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 9

The broadcast schedule for B5, like god, transcends all understanding.

And thanks for all the rest.


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