BattleGround Earth: New Series with b5 ties

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Sep 3 07:11:42 EDT 1996

Subject: BattleGround Earth: New Series with b5 ties
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Aug 28, 1996: ije2 at (IJE2)
+  2: Aug 31, 1996: greened at (David Greene)
*  3: Sep  3, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: ije2 at (IJE2)
Lines: 18

 New Roddenberry show in the works

A new science fiction television series from the mind
of Gene Roddenberry is reportedly in
pre-production. The show, called Battleground
Earth, is based on a bible and script written by
Roddenberry in the 1970s, although it has since been
Majel Barrett Roddenberry is involved with the project,
as are Babylon 5 cronies Douglas Netter and John
Copeland. B5 creator Joe Michael Straczynksi said he had
been offered the opportunity to write the show's two-hour
pilot, but he turned down the job so he could concentrate
on his B5 obligations.


From: greened at (David Greene)
Lines: 21

IJE2 (ije2 at wrote:
:  New Roddenberry show in the works
: Majel Barrett Roddenberry is involved with the project,
: as are Babylon 5 cronies Douglas Netter and John
: Copeland. B5 creator Joe Michael Straczynksi said he had
: been offered the opportunity to write the show's two-hour
: pilot, but he turned down the job so he could concentrate
: on his B5 obligations.


Could this have anything to do with that nasty rumor floating around
about the possible loss of B5's season 5 because of people affiliated
with the show leaving to do something else?  I've been out of the loop
for a couple of week (starting grad. school).  Last I heard about this
rumor was...nothing.  No confirmations _or_ denials...



From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 21

"Could this have anything to do with that nasty rumor floating around
about the possible loss of B5's season 5 because of people affiliated with
the show leaving to do something else?  I've been out of the loop for a
couple of week (starting grad. school).  Last I heard about this rumor
was...nothing.  No confirmations _or_ denials..."

Up until right before I left for Worldcon, I hadn't heard a word of this
rumor.  Then I got an email from someone asking if it were true.  I asked
if WHAT were true?  The correspondent explained that according to rumor, I
was leaving B5 to go to Fox and develop shows for them.

Suffice to say this was the first time I'd heard ANY of this, and it's
utterly false.


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