Snow White

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Sep 4 06:26:34 EDT 1996

Subject: Snow White
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: Sep  3, 1996: Eric Sipple <Saalon at>
*  2: Sep  4, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: Eric Sipple <Saalon at>
Lines: 26

Hey...I know this will annoy you horribly jms but....

see, my school puts on one act plays all the time.  It's the Drama
departments thing.

Well, last year, there was this production of Snow White.  I read the
name of the writer.  In the program it was listed as Michael J.
Straczynski.  I was like, "could that be JMS?  Nah....couldn't be"

Well, imagine my surprise when I found out it WAS the jms we all love!

Either way, I thought I'd tell you that I loved it.  Even when I didn't
know who wrote it.  No reason to be embarassed about it.  I personally
dislike Snow white, but I really enjoyed this production of it.  

Well, I'm still exceited by the fact that my freinds actually stared in
something by jms.  How many people can say that? :D

So what're the chances of getting Ed Wasser to dress in drag and play
the Dark Queen?



From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 12

"So what're the chances of getting Ed Wasser to dress in drag and play the
Dark Queen?"

On any given Saturday night...pretty good.



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