ATTN JMS: You Son Of An Emporer

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Sep 8 06:16:55 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: You Son Of An Emporer
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Sep  7, 1996: kensu at (Chris Schumacher)
*  2: Sep  8, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: kensu at (Chris Schumacher)
Lines: 22

Greetings, Joesph

I was rewatching GoS and ADS a few hours ago. (Rather subtle, aren't
you? ;) ).

I have a question, however. A minor detail, of course, but I was hoping
you could tell us.

Anyway, in the Teaser of GoS when Refa and Londo are talking;
Refa mentions that there is no clear line of succession because Emporer
Turhan's son has died. (It sounds like it happened recently for him
to have mentioned it.) The first time I saw this, I thought he was
referring to Lord Kiro, then it occured to me that he wanted to 
overthrow the emporer, and since he was destined to be the next emporer
he wouldn't just be "Lord" Kiro. Anyway, if it isn't a major detail,
could you shed some light on what happened to the Emporer's son?



From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 11

Ah...a very sad case, that.  Turhan's only child, his son, died during a
boating accident, of all things.  He drowned.  His personal guard, who was
apparently unable to find Turhan's son in the murky water, was found dead
several days after making his report; his own death was officially ruled a
suicide, out of grief.  But there are always stories....


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