Mr. JMS: A few questions....

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Sep 12 06:31:54 EDT 1996

Subject: Mr. JMS: A few questions....
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Sep 10, 1996: mholtz at (Mark Holtz)
*  2: Sep 12, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: mholtz at (Mark Holtz)
Lines: 29

Just a few questions.....

1. Will we see Theo and his brothers again? Seems a shame to see them in only
two episodes.

2. Will we see more reports of "the Truth" from ISN?

3. Will we see Sheridan's ship, the Agemenon (ack, spelling is off) reappear?

4. When does Kosh II appear on B5? Where does this place Lyta Alexander? And,
whatever happened to G'Kar's "replacement"?

5. Did Morden's meeting with Vice-President Clark take place prior to or after
the events of "Signs and Portents"? If prior to, then that explains why
Sinclair didn't have a conversation with Morden.

6. When happened with all of the "Earth First" groups? Did the members decide
to join a organization with better benefits, such as "Night Watch"?

The station was the gathering place for the <:> Internet: mholtz at
 forces of good. It is the Earth Year 2261. <:>
  The name of the place is BABYLON FIVE!    <:>


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 18

To your questions:

Yes, we'll see Theo once more in year 3.

You'll hear more from ISN in year 4.

The new Vorlon arrives in "Walkabout," and Lyta's situation will be
explored more in the first part of year 4.

The Earth First and other groups haven't gone away, but been consolidated,
as we'll find soon enough.


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