ATTN JMS:Darker show in season 4?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Sep 23 06:18:27 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS:Darker show in season 4?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Sep 22, 1996: gerryt47 at
+  2: Sep 23, 1996: The Exhibitionist <wbest at>
*  3: Sep 23, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: gerryt47 at
Lines: 19

Hello JMS,

Two questions: Will the show be even "darker" in season 4, will there
be less humor? If Sheridan loses his innonence (WWE) and quote:
"Everything that can possibly go wrong for B5 will go wrong", will
there be any for the great jokes we're used to. I have a feeling the
story arc is getting even more serious and darker!

And a technical question: Why aren't there any real spectacular Dolby
Surround effects on the show like in "The Gathering", are those sound
effects very expensive? Star Trek has pretty nice surround effects, B5
has the crowd-sound in the Zocalo, but I don't hear many effects
involving ships.

Thanks for your time, 
Rudmer Hoekstra, 
The Netherlands


From: The Exhibitionist <wbest at>
Lines: 25

Don't see why.

In space, no-one can hear the engines scream.

Real space combat would have to bite for that reason. You can't hear the
other guy blowing up, and if you hear yourself blowing up, you die...

   __ __ __ __ __                                   ___ ___ __ __ __ _
 { ===================================================[]============== }
   ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~                                   ~~//~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~
              ____________                            \\
	     /           /    ___                     //
            /   }}      /[   (   \
	   /   {{ /    //     \   \
          /   ___/    //       \_-~\~~~~\	"Yes, Follow... but never
	 /   (___)   //         \_-~\~~~~	 blindly... Keep your eyes
        /___________//           \   \ 		 open, your mind free,
        [__________[/             \ __\		 and your ears pointed..."

(End Of Transmission: ExAelf at TREENET.ORG)
TREE-NET; (c) 591 the Mystic Wood Elf Guild...
All Rights Preserved...


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 11

We do a lot of Dolby surround EFX, and often get compliments on it.  The
problem may be in the station broadcasting it in your area.

S4 will be...more mature, but darker per se...depends on what part of it
you're talking about.


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