ATTN:JMS re:holding back final 4 eps till fall

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Apr 1 06:11:00 EST 1997

From: jvkap at (JVKap)
Date: 29 Mar 1997 13:32:50 -0500
Lines: 22

Dear Joe-
I saw a post yesterday that mentioned that WB is holding back (again!) the
final 4 eps of season 4 till October. Now, am I reading too much into
this, or doesn't it seem that it would be very silly to do this if there
was no 5th season to follow them? Why bother with sweeps if you can't use
those ratings to set advertising rates, since the show would cease to
exist? Or do the sweeps ratings give WB or TBS some additional advantages
regarding ad sales for the rerun of the series? Anyway, I'm looking at it
as a good sign. Are you?

Thanks for at least 4 years of the most consistently wonderful television
program ever. Looking forward to seeing you at I-CON!

-John Kaprielian

"Risk...risk IS our business...that's what this starship is all
about...that's why we're aboard her..."         

Hmm. Maybe someone should tell the NEW crew...

From: Shin Chyang Yu <scy2g at>
Date: 30 Mar 1997 02:38:18 -0500
Lines: 19

In article <19970327133101.IAA06871 at>,
JVKap <jvkap at> wrote:
>Dear Joe-
>I saw a post yesterday that mentioned that WB is holding back (again!) the
>final 4 eps of season 4 till October. Now, am I reading too much into
>this, or doesn't it seem that it would be very silly to do this if there
>was no 5th season to follow them? Why bother with sweeps if you can't use
>those ratings to set advertising rates, since the show would cease to

I think they hold back episodes of Kung-Fu, even though it was
not renewed.  And they probably bother with sweep because they
don't know what to do otherwise :)

		John Yu

From: denebeim at (Jay Denebeim)
Date: 30 Mar 1997 20:30:21 -0500
Lines: 19

In article <E7uEKL.9Mo at murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU>,
Shin Chyang Yu  <scy2g at> wrote:

>I think they hold back episodes of Kung-Fu, even though it was
>not renewed.  And they probably bother with sweep because they
>don't know what to do otherwise :)

They held back a ton of them.  Like 10 or so (half a season's worth).
Sorta like what they were doing until a few weeks ago with B5,

* Jay Denebeim, Moderator,      *
* newsgroup submission address: b5mod at         *
* moderator contact address:    b5mod-request at *
* personal contact address:     denebeim at      *

From: George Johnsen <ndeiprod at>
Date: 31 Mar 1997 14:37:41 -0500
Lines: 20


The WB MO has always been to hold some eps until the following season. 
The only thing that has happened here is that the post production
schedule has been moved up to allow a bigger block of new episodes in a
continuous string.  Sine the ratings for B5 always grow through a period
of new eps, imagine what will happen this time!

Geez, folks, you always blast us during reruns- why is it that giving a
bunch of new eps in a bunch is a trigger for much worry and speculation?

There has been NO official or unofficial decision on S-5 at this time. 
This occurance is independent of that decision.  That is not to say that
there hasn't been discussions...........

George Johnsen
CoProducer (and meeting boy), B5

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