from jms re: B5 Fan Club

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Apr 29 06:12:55 EDT 1997

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 28 Apr 1997 21:10:24 -0400
Lines: 73

One of the most dangerous things in the world is a writer who has finished
writing for a while, has met his deadlines, and can now address other
One such issue that has been nibbling at the back of my brainstem has been
the Babylon 5 Fan Club.  I've felt for some time that it was not living up
to its potential, and has been laying fallow for some while.  The Universe
Today newsletter was okay, but it could have been better.  The club was
okay, but could have been better.
Okay is never sufficient.  We either move forward or we fall back, there
is no such thing as holding position.  Especially with the fan club,
because as a fan myself, I have to feel that people are getting their
money's worth out of the club, and frankly, I'm not sure they have been. 
Now that I have time to turn my attention to the problem....
A number of changes have been made to improve the situation for the
current members, and for future members.
          1) We are going to substantially improve Universe Today and get
          out on schedule.  To facilitate this, we are announcing that
          Zmuda, publisher of the Centaurian Sentinel, probably the best
          the B5 fanzines out there, has been made editor of the
          Sandra Bruckner, publisher of the Zocalo, has been named
          Both begin work effective May 1st.
          Knowing the great work these two have performed individually, we
          have every anticipation that their combined efforts on Universe
          Today will make it the sort of publication we've always wanted
          to be.
          2) Sandra has also agreed to take over as website administrator
          for, maintaining it and improving it and updating
          it as circumstances warrant.  The B5 Fan Club Web Site has also
          been wandering a bit, and this will correct that problem.
          3) Jim Lockett, founding head of the B5 Fan Club, has moved on
          to other projects, and we wish him all the best in his future
          4) A more assertive position will be taken in promoting the club
          at conventions, in advertisements, and in developing merchandise
          specific to the fan club.
          5) Finally, because of my sense that the members of the Fan Club
          have not gotten all that they could have out of the club during
          its debut, we are going to ROLL OVER ALL YEAR ONE MEMBERSHIPS   
        to a second year.  If you joined prior to April 1, 1997, you are
          automatically comp'd in as a member for a second year without
          charge.  Doug and I will personally swallow the expense of that.
It is our desire that the Official Babylon 5 Fan Club should be the best
entity of its kind ever created.  Now that we have made some mid-course
corrections, we are back on track to becoming that.  And we think you will
approve of our plans for improving and expanding the operation as we move
ahead over the rest of 1997.


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