Attn: JMS the making of magic

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Aug 12 06:25:56 EDT 1997

From: naranek at
Date: 11 Aug 1997 16:40:19 -0400
Lines: 17

You have said all along that your main reasons for interacting with the
fans in cyberspace are accountability and to help us understand how your
show and others are made.  I think you have done a remarkable job of
both.  Even with all the dickweeds that come out here to bash and
criticize you keep coming out here and responding to us.  

You have given ignoramuses like me a whole new understanding and
appreciation of television.  But even with all the information about how
it's done, when B5 hits the screen it's still just like magic how it all
comes together.  I've been addicted to this magic for 4 years now and I
have no intention of going into rehab.

When I was a kid and saw a "magician" perform for the first time I
thought "ooh, ah-it's magic" but as I got a little older and realized
how he did some of those things I thought "this guy's nothing but a
trickster, it's all a bunch of cheap crap!"  But with B5, the more I
learn about it, the more I like it.

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 12 Aug 1997 01:01:22 -0400
Lines: 8 if only I could find my copy of the Necronomicon...


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