
B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Aug 12 16:11:44 EDT 1997

This is a message from the maintainer of B5JMS.

(1) The recent article with subject "How do you pronounce" included what
appeared to be a concatenation of several unrelated articles.  This is not a
mistake on the part of my scripts.  The article was posted in this way to
our news server.

(2) The duplicates you got recently were a result of our mail server
deciding to resend some of them, even though it got only one copy posted
from my scripts.  This had happened before, and seems to be incredibly
difficult to track as it happens once every few months.  Unfortunately, it
does not appear like a fix will be forthcoming soon.

(3) Regarding "missing/expired articles".  Due to the high and ever
increasing news traffic, our news server had been unable to process incoming
articles fast enough.  The result was that some articles got dropped or
rejected.  That's the main reason I found for the (annoyingly) high
incidence of missing articles.  Our news server is scheduled for an upgrade
in the next 1-2 months.

Until then, I've updated my scripts one more time.  Now they collect threads
from a list of news server, rather than depending on one.  In quick tests
I've done I was able to successfully find more "missing" articles.

The new scripts are in place.  There may be a slightly higher volume of
articles sent to you in the next 36 hours.  There may also be some
duplicates until the system stabilizes from my switching to using more nntp
servers to pull threads together.

B5JMS Poster.
Maintainer, B5JMS and B5JMS-DIGEST lists.
<b5jms-owner at>
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