ATTN JMS: Casting for new part...

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Aug 13 07:06:30 EDT 1997

From: "John D. Tobey" <jdtobey at>
Date: 8 Aug 1997 17:32:13 -0400
Lines: 22

Good Morning Joe,

I've been Lurking for many a year and finally have something to ask that
I haven't seen asked yet.

If we know of someone in the entertainment industry, is there anything
we can do to get that persons name/credentials in front of your casting
director for the new part?

Thanks and keep up the great work, you and the entire staff there are to
be commended as you are the ONLY reason we are having cable installed in
time for the January TNT release!

 *   John D. Tobey                      Director,      *
  *   AutoGate Logic Inc.          Program Operations   *
   *   440 Mission Ct, Suite 220      510/226-5795       *
    *   Fremont, CA 94539           FAX 510/226-5797      *

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 10 Aug 1997 04:51:12 -0400
Lines: 21

>If we know of someone in the entertainment industry, is there anything
>we can do to get that persons name/credentials in front of your casting
>director for the new part?

I'd rather not; as well intentioned as this is, bear in mind that there
are about another 10 million behind you, and it seems some days that EVERY
one of them has a suggestion, or knows somebody who's an actor and wants a
job.  Our casting people are *very* good and finding people.

Lemme give you an example of how this comes at me every single day.  I was
at my optometrist's a few months ago, getting a new set of glasses, and he
was doing the glaucoma test (the one that virtually guarantees one of us
going through a wall; I don't like things in my eye)...and he's got the
Blue Dot Thingie right up next to my eyeball, and I'm about to crawl out
of my skin, and he says, "Did I mention my wife is an actress?  She'd love
to come in to audition on your show."

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